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Denied Loser Watching is a fiction site featuring stories about powerful dominant females, the men they love, and the submissive males they deny sexual pleasure. At least physical sexual pleasure, because as you will see if you read here, the submissive males get tremendous psychological and emotional sexual pleasure from being dominated and denied by their Mistresses.

The submissive males are not necessarily “losers,” except in the sense that they lose out on physical sex. But of course they’re getting what they asked for, namely, submission to a female who makes her own rules.

Some writing on this site will attempt to be realistic, my goal will be to create characters who behave the way we might imagine an actual person would. I intend to explore the psyche of both submissive and dominant men and women. That means I’ll be guessing half the time, since I’m a male, and cannot fully know the female experience of life. But I will press on. If it is not ridiculously optimistic, I hope the writing on this site will be art. Art in the sense that it accurately captures something of who we really are as people.

Other writing on this site will be fantasy oriented or “over the top.” Characters who behave in ways that are erotic, but not realistic, will be the focus of these stories. Still, I hope to create art through these pieces, because our imaginations reveal some truths about ourselves.

Denied Loser Watching and The Society of Bisexual Women exist in their own world, but I will also write stories outside that world, stories that have nothing to do with submissive males who aren’t allowed to have sex with their wives. There are so many kinks to explore that I really don’t know which fantasy concepts will make up the bulk of my storytelling here. There will probably be a variety of ideas presented.

If you would like to contact me on X, you can do so here:

You can also see what I'm getting up to on my site here:

Pleasant (or not so pleasant) dreams! :)

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