
(Read the following in a Movie Preview Announcer's Voice)

"In the tumultuous sea of chaos that is a world beset by a global pandemic, one man dared to adorn himself in that most truly savage of decorations: the feather boa. That man's name was most definitely not Albert Einstein. Or maybe it was. Who knows for sure? Coming this December to theaters. Or streaming. Or wherever we can publish it in this fucked up mess."

So you've made it this far, and you're wondering "what I'm into." It breaks down about like this:
Regular chat - Often, but not always.
Sex Chat(Cyber) - Often. I tend to enjoy the aspect that we're both getting each other off by telling what we'd do if we were there. Much like people in a long distance relationship.
Roleplay - Rarely, but not never. I don't find much arousal in the roles or the scene, per se, but in the kinkiness of the acts. It doesn't mean I won't, but I'm not really interested in all the "I want to be seduced and corrupted by whomever" line of thinking. I can go read stories for that level of detail.
Relativity and the "Physics" of Love - interpretation as a poem by Michael R. Burch

Sit next to a pretty girl for an hour,
it seems like a minute.
Sit on a red-hot stove for a minute,
it seems like an hour.
That's relativity!

Oh, it should be possible
to explain the laws of physics
to a barmaid! . . .
but how could she ever,
in a million years,
explain love to an Einstein?

All these primary impulses,
not easily described in words,
are the springboards
of man's actions—because
any man who can drive safely
while kissing a pretty girl
is simply not giving the kiss
the attention it deserves!

For those of you who prefer pretty pictures instead of wordy profiles:



DRV: My submission has been delayed slightly due to circumstances beyond my control. Contact me via feedback for details. Thanks.



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Banter, Wittiness, Depravity, Taboo Liasons

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