
Just recently came back after a long hiatus.


I'm a sexy, curvy and fit, 5'6" 135ish lbs., long black hair, light brown eyes. I'm a fantastic wife, an amazing mom and love a ludicrously successful AND hectic career in finance. Ok, ok. I might have tooted my own horn there. But why not, right? This is the place to do it! Lol Anyway.... What else? Limits? Limits are what you discover you don't enjoy along the way.

Oh! I also love the feeling after a workout and believe in a healthy body for a healthy mind.

I’ve been off and on Lit for several years under different accounts (as is the case yet again). I forget the username/password and I just start a new one. Who knows how long I'll be here this time?

We all need an our 'Me Time' here and there. For me however, Lit really isn't an escape. It’s a way to enrich my life by meeting amazing people in a place most people wouldn’t think to look. I tend to think of Lit as a lounge or sorts.

I know this is a world of fantasy, but I prefer to be the real me. Now let me say this: I'm not saying I'm into RP but if you PM/DM me with a role, you can rest assure that I will ignore you. Nothing against those that like to play a role. I'm just not in the habit of 'playing' with random people. I prefer making and establishing connections.

There are people out there who want to pretend to be something they're not and that's quite alright. Me? I want to be the real me. IF, and I really mean IF, I get into some RP, I will always play myself.

My husband knows I read and chat. He does as well, but not as often as I do.

Stop by and say hello (preferably with full sentences). Text speak is a sure fire way of not getting a response by me. I enjoy the subtlety of getting to know someone. I value my time and respect yours. Let's not assume anything and enjoy the nuances of meeting a stranger, shall we?

Don't have anything on your profile? Take a moment to fill it out. Really helps when it comes to making a connection.





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Cooking, Dancing, Shopping, Crochet, Calligraphy, Outdoors, Workingout, Horseback Riding


Dog(s), Cat(s)

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