
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in ships and fandoms the only outlet for my internal emo agony is to write horrible delicious smut about it. So this is where I put the ones I can't publish for real money. I'm not really into OC plot, I prefer to corrupt canon and write in-character, but occasionally I get stupid plot bunnies that are so outlandishly absurd I feel it is my duty to write them into existence. I don't much care for slow-burns (writing or reading), so if you just want "the good stuff" after agonizing over your favorite 100 part series, I'm your girl.

For now, my fandom obsession lies exclusively with "Reylo" (Kylo Ren x Rey, from Star Wars). I'm fixated a lot on TFA because when I corrupt cannon I like to watch the scene I'm re-writing about a million times, to get every detail nailed into my head. So, until TLJ gets released and I can shamelessly watch those scenes ad nauseum I'll be doing mostly TFA-esque stuff.



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