
I like smut. Let's get that out the way first.

We all do right? That's why we're here after all. Everybody has their own *thing* they're into, and I wouldn't dream of dismissing whatever it is that gets you off or warms your heart, it's all valid (within reason.) Trouble is, I could never find TG erotica that appealed to me personally. There was nothing that spoke of the real trans experience, realistic stories with genuine people, people in love, who loved sex, and who just happened to be transgender.

So I decided to write some.

I'll let you decide whether I succeeded. I don't consider myself a particularly talented writer, and this trashy collection of soap opera stories (with all its dodgy vernacular) isn't going to be for everyone, but this world of messed up, beautiful idiots is starting to take a life of its own, so buckle up buttercup. ❤

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