Hands of Earth

What is there to tell about me? Lots, I suppose, but nothing at the same time.
I am a student at a great school in the heartland. I study Fine Art and write poetry
in my spare time. I believe that self-expression is something every person needs to do.
My personal favorite style is sculpture and I love bronz casting. I feel that sculpture
best expresses my personality because it never hides meaning. Sculpture is not an optical
illusion. It is as real as I am and as real as you are. Sexually I love exploring the
psychology of it. What turns a person on? Why is it different for each individual? How are
we all the same? Well enough about this classic small town boy. Read what I have writen,
why else would you/it/I be here?


The Heartland

Author Stats

22 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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Everything Sexual

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