
Stop reading this. I am not my bio OR a comment. Are you one of those people with such respect for authority that you have to read every warning label and follow every order to the point? I pitty you. Stop reading this. Your still hear? Go away, read a sex story. Alright, while your here I'll tell you a story. There was once a farmer with three daughters, they each had a date one night. The first date came to the door, and when the farmer opened up the boy said "My name is Lance. I'm taking your daughter to the dance." and the two left. When the second date came and the farmer answered the boy said "My name is "My name is Tim. Me and your daughter are going for a swim" and the two went off. When he answered the door for the third boy, the boy said "My name is chuck" and the farmer shot him. Your still her? Go on. I'm done.


The Magic Beer Bottle

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22 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
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Dog(s), Cat(s), Bird(s), Reptile(s), Other

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