
Updated Jan 2023:

A new story is up! It’s a bit of a departure from some of my more recent submissions. As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

For new readers, my stories are heavily themed around exhibitionism and submission. Some stories also include themes of humiliation and nonconsensual sex (most notably, The Concert and The Backup Plan). All of my stories take place in the same shared "universe," and sometimes characters and events from one series may be referenced in another one. When possible, I try to make each story work on its own without prior reading required.

Here is the recommended reading order for anyone that wants to start at the beginning:

-A Gift Amongst Friends Ch. 01-03
-The Concert Ch. 01
-AGAF Ch. 04-06
-The Concert Ch. 02
-AGAF Ch. 07-08
-Return to Eden
-A Room with a View
-Return to Eden Ch. 02
-AGAF Ch. 09
-The Backup Plan

Author Stats

13 Years AgoMember Since
Last YearUpdated
51My Favorites
12My Comments
3Series Published

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