
Having long been in lit, I had been told by my dearest friend krista_nightingale about the gypsy family, I went to the cottage and met many wonderful people, Candace and Sara, both welcomed me and after some time asked me to join the family. I was accepted into the Gypsy family, who I am grateful to. I have found myself with a group of people who accepted me.
I started out as a mermaid my father is Neptune, King of the Seas. My jealous siblings, killed me, put a curse on me and sent me to Hell. I was given to Satan who used me to disgrace my family. He, the other kings of hell and their followers all tortured me. I used what little of my strengths I had to steal powers from them. Once I got strong enough I fought them and killed many, securing my escape. I have accumulated many powers from the rulers of Hell, some of which I can alter items, I can transform into many forms. From my powers as Neptunes daughter I was able to free from capture and gain control of the ocean's deepest creature, the Kraken, who I can summon as an ally.
I also have Kelpie, a mythical water horse in my control, he is a shape shifter and can assume various horse forms.
The demon name I have chosen
Haures She is a powerful demon has the power of fire at her command as well as being able to shape shift. Haures is a very beautiful demoness, and although she floats on the air, she has no wings. Haures is the 64th of 72 Spirits of Solomon, she is a Duchess and commands a legion of 36 demons.
I have some wonderful pets . Pam_Okami_Gypsy, a beautiful new addition to our group. Her name Okami is Japanese for wolf which she can transform into, I have Jen AKA curvy_Jennifer too is now mine and she is a great addition. I recently collared E AKA Flaminghot1, so now three girls in my clan.
All my girls are Gypsies now, proud to be in the family and loyal to the end, willing to defend along with myself.
Oh and sorry guys they aren't into men

You can also see our family blog to learn more about us

Some things of my characters
The fire demoness Haures
The trasnitonal demon mermaid
The regular mermaid


Gypsy Cottage



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