Krenna Smart

I discovered the pleasure of erotic fantasy when I was very young. At times the fantasies I create in my mind seem more real than what goes on in real life. But my fantasies stayed in my mind until I began writing fiction.

Before I began to write, I devoured dime store novels while living a fictitious life as a defense lawyer. One day I tossed a novel into the air and said "I should be writing this stuff." So after a couple of halting starts I began my first novel.

I should interject that about two years earlier I discovered poetry. I'd barely read a line until I began penning my own verse.

My first novel poured from my mind into my computer over a period of 5 1/2 weeks. I barely knew what I was writing. When I began the editig process I was astonished to discover what I'd written was tumultuously erotic.

Two years have passed. i've comeplete another novel, and two short plays. I write and perform poetry and fiction but, alas, I remain undiscovered, and unpublished. But I'm having a blast.


Los Angeles

Author Stats

21 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
2Series Published

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The Ocean, Starry Nights

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