
In response to confusion:

So I clearly haven't (or have) done my job properly, and some of you are confused. I personally hate "information dumps" and find reading them tiresome. It was my intention to keep readers guessing; I wanted to put them, if you like, in the same position as Lara.

I mentioned in Ch.01 (vaguely I admit, upon rereading) that the alpha - Conall - of the pack had gone to seek vengeance on the rogues who killed Cian's pack as his sister also died in the massacre.

What will be explained in Ch.03 is that Ruari is second in command to the alpha (his beta, if you like) and as such was the acting alpha for the duration of Conall's absence. Yes, The Interrupter is Conall. Ruari cannot disobey Conall because he is lower in the hierarchy.

Please don't apply any stereotypes from other stories/movies/the internet to my characters.

Throw away all your preconceived notions about werewolves and vampires (there will be vampires.. bring on Ch.03) because although there are some similarities there will be differences as well :)

Chapter 3 will be more explanatory (I promise) and I will try to address any further issues I hear about, but it will also throw up some questions. Please be patient - all will be revealed.

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