
I'm Chinese and I live in the UK and have done so since a very young age. I'm a writer of fantasy primarily, but I might dabble in erotica later on. When I have succeeded in writing something I deem decent, I will submit it here. I'm interested in just about everything. Books, movies, music, paintings, sports (I love tennis--probably for the wrong reasons), food (I eat like a pig), Orlando Bloom, anime, manga... bloo, the list goes on. Oh yeah, forgot one: SEX. When I was little I used to be a tomboy and I developed interests in thing usually boys did, which have still carried on somewhat to today. As a result, I'm really digging all these comic book superhero movies coming out. I LOVE X-Men!!! Especially Gambit. I'm quite a big computer-gamer, but I don't play as much as before. My favourite game is Age of Mythology/Age of Kings. I like racing car games like Gran Turismo, but I don't think I'm very good at them. I used to want to be a martial artist and I hope to take that up in my spare time in the future. But as of yet, I can only dream of being a super ass-kicker. Oh, and I love kungfu flicks (and luckily I can watch some of them in the original language cos I'm bilingual).Gah, just realised I've ranted about myself for ages, as usual. I've got a bit of an ego, must admit.



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