
My journey is to understand my place as a Dominant with a fetish for exhibitionism as well as my place in the world generally. Throughout this journey, I have learned a great deal about who I am.

I've become intimately aware how shame works in our lives, and how destructive it is to our souls. I can now see it everywhere I look. I know that a large swath of our society is plagued with it, and live very unsatisfying and unhappy lives as a result.

I have done the work to understand how it manifested in my life and how to remove it. This process taught me trust in myself, self-communication, self-respect, self-love and consistency.

I learned to see my own fears when I look in the mirror, and overcome them.

If you ask, I can show you your fears as well.

My Power Exchange

Power can be expressed on multiple linear scales. This creates multi-faceted polarities that we can use to define who we are and our play styles.

The first polarity is love and fear.

All positive emotion is derived from love. All negative emotions from fear. We can learn to overcome our fears, and open the door to love. If you are experiencing negative emotions, there will ALWAYS be a fear rooted behind and driving the emotion.

Identifying and overcoming fear is the key to unlocking deeper love and happiness in our lives.

I see the difference between Dominant and domineering personalities within this polarity. Domineering persons strive to take control using fear, attempting to hide their own internal fears and insecurities. They hide their fear by breaking down those around them attempting to make themselves feel (or appear) more powerful. They are unable to get their needs properly met in healthy ways, so they hustle to have them met at the expense of others.

Dominants on the other hand express power by being a pillar of strength, a rock of stability; by being an oak in the face of the chaos and turmoil that roils around them in life. They are the shelter from the storm. They encourage great communication, build trust, give respect, and are consistent in both word and action. They are neither wolf nor sheep but they can be both at their desire. But foremost they are the sheepdog. They are a provider of safety, structure, and adventure.

You will know you are in the presence of a Dominant because they are lifting you up, making you greater, and helping you grow. They are looking after your best interests and meeting your needs without expectations.

The second polarity is Masculine and feminine.

The greater the polarity created, the greater the desire and attraction generated. This is neutralized when both energies are in equilibrium. As a Dominant I strive to develop the Masculine, and create a place of safety for my submissive to fully express her feminine.

I embrace the four core masculine qualities of

Honor and

With these tools I work to shape the world into what I desire, overcoming obstacles I may find along my way.

I want to feel my woman's feminine essence. I want to hear her sexy voice in my ear, and at the end of my floggers, begging for more; begging for mercy. I want to see her sexiness, splayed out before me. I want her laughter and ferocity, her tears and tenderness, her giggles and struggle. When she has given me her all, and revealed to me her secret pearl ...only then, she is mine.

The third polarity is pleasure and pain.

We cannot know real pleasure in life without pain. This is true on multiple levels. Fear of pain prevents us from fully embracing our true nature, and robs us of happiness.

Have the courage to enter the arena of life and live it with passion. Do not fear getting hurt, because pain is how you grow as a human. This is the pathway to joy and happiness.

Escaping to the world of comfort will avoid pain in the short term, but ultimately leads to pain of regret in the end.

Pleasure and pain are intimately intertwined. I enjoy the dance between them, both mentally as well as physically. I use pleasure and pain across the entire spectrum to strip away my submissive's defenses, leaving her naked and exposed; completely vulnerable; fully surrendered to my will.

The fourth polarity is abundance and scarcity.

Abundance is a derivative of love, and scarcity derived from fear. When we do not fear loss, we can relax and enjoy the abundance that life has to offer. Whatever we desire can be ours, if we are willing to get up off the couch and step into the arena to work for it.

If we are living with scarcity mindset, then we fear loss. If we are afraid of losing someone, or something, then this is a signal that we have work to do. Only you can fix the things that you fear are scarce in your life.

I have given up life in a cubicle to live it to its fullest. It is my sincere desire to meet new people along the path of my journey. There is much to see and do, and I am ready for it all.



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