
Poetry by Mikayla_Barton

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A poem just on writing a poem

3.75 43 1 1 1

Just a poem about those who leave without a word, no goodbye

4.25 72 1 3 1

A love poem about life

2 135

A girl lies on the bed thinking of last night

3.5 208 1 1

A short poem about a broken heart

2 104

A short poem about tears and heart break.

2.5 155

A Poem for when the One comes into your life.

2.5 168 1

A poem to a Lover

2 762

A short poem dedicated to a missing friend

1 762

A Poem for my Friend

91 1 1

A poem wishing you good Morning

2 136 1 1

A good Night Poem

106 1 1

A Poem about Friendship

87 1 1

A Girl Lies there Missing her Lover


Curled on a bed, A lover waits


Two lesbians embrace