
Update 11/30/2023:

It's been a minute! Wanted to say thank you all for selecting As You Wish and Dear Babe/Dear Bastard as Readers Choice stories for 2022. I didn't post about the awards this year since there were some less-than-nice things being thrown around last year, so it really does mean a lot that you enjoyed them enough to select them <3 thank you.

I don't have any new work on the horizon for Lit right now (no Christmas story this year, sorry) because I'm neck deep in rebooting the Nellie series - this won't be on Lit but you can catch the rewrites on my Patreon or they'll be published starting early next year. Next year I'm hoping to work on a few more short stories as passion projects that will be released here - if you want the latest news on things, I have a newsletter that I send out about once a month or so with updates that you can sign up for here:

Or my Patreon has a free tier with weekly updates so you know exactly what's coming down the pipeline.

Happy holidays to all!

Xoxo, Cheryl


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The Love Across Canada stories on Literotica are Runaway (4 parts) and Waking Up. Other stories in this series are Get Over It, More Than Words, The Devil Made Me, Finding Home, and Of Daffodils - these are available as ebooks or on Patreon.

The When The Lights Go Out universe includes: The Woman Behind The Curtain, You're Hot and You're Cold, Maybe You're A Raccoon, Hashtag Blessed, Save World Get Girl, Lakeside Park, and Lips of an Angel


Commenting Policy:

In general, I do not delete comments. However, I won't stand for people attacking other writers on my stories. I have a massive amount of respect for the other writers on this site: ALL of them, regardless of content, association, or motive.

You do not have to like my stories or think I'm any good as a writer. If you hate what I post, that's okay. I don't expect everyone to like my work and I don't expect all comments to always be positive, and I won't delete comments that are critical of me or my writing.

However, transphobic, racist, homophobic, sexist, slut-shaming, etc. comments are not okay. I'm not here to promote hatred and I won't allow my stories to be a platform for that. Hate my work if you want to, don't hate the types of people my characters represent.





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4 Years AgoMember Since
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17My Favorites
159My Comments
3Series Published

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