
I have not been able to write in quite awhile. A lot has been happening in my life. I got married in September and my son has been having a lot of issues in school and has now been diagnosed with ADHD. I totaled my truck at the beginning of November and about to start a new job. Life happens sometimes. I have also been having some writer's block on The Enforcer series. I have decided to write some other stories and come back to that one. I have a family and full time job so I can't write as much as I would like. Also i have no beta readers or editors. It is just me and that takes time. Hopefully i will be uploading a new story soon. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.

Just someone who really wants to see if people will enjoy his writing.

I am going to try and make each chapter of my story The Enforcer around 4000 words. It may not be as long as some would like but that gives me time to try to upload a chapter each week. I can't guarantee but I will try.
The more feedback I receive the more I will be able to better my writing skill. If you have ideas then let me hear them. Thank you in advance.

I know it has been awhile since I have last posted. Life happened. My son is about to turn 15 and start high school and I am getting married sep. 4th. Weddings are time consuming. I haven't quit with The Enforcer but my writing had to take a back seat for now. But there is more in the works. Thank you all.



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