Stories by NaughtyVisions

The men in Kitty's family have dicks that come off!

4.26 18.7k 39 9 63

Daddy doesn't like Danielle's fiancé, Seth. What to do?

4.38 32.6k 61 7 92

Brittany and her dad find the fountain of youth!

4.37 85.1k 134 13 188
175.8k 298 20 396

Madeline dresses as Leia to lure a Darth Vader cosplayer.

H 4.66 73.3k 149 7 213

Madeline tries to balance her fantasy and reality.

H 4.6 43k 63 5 77

Madeline wants to avoid more mistakes and finds a new Vader.

H 4.51 28k 37 4 50

Madeline comes home to a really dirty surprise.

4.45 31.3k 49 4 56
949.8k 1k 73 1.3k

Jane's been having bad thoughts and asks for daddy's help.

4.36 306.7k 384 13 547

Daddy can't get what he's done out of his head.

H 4.5 193.7k 188 10 231

Jane wakes up from her trance at a most inopportune time.

4.43 176.5k 174 16 213

Daddy gets sloppy. Will Jane find out?

H 4.56 137.5k 132 19 167

Unaware of the truth, Daddy carries on with his plan.

4.46 135.2k 139 15 168

A tarot reader gives me and my daughter a suspicious liquid.

4.48 73.4k 113 14 159
432.5k 722 101 905

Danielle travels back in time and meets her dad.

H 4.57 122k 283 23 362

Danielle returns to the past; learns daddy's secret fetish.

H 4.61 90.1k 127 14 156

Past daddy likes something new & future daddy is furious.

H 4.67 94.5k 135 15 163

Dad comes home while Danielle has a time traveling visitor.

4.45 63.5k 77 13 100

Strange & sexy things are happening in the past and present.

H 4.55 62.3k 100 36 124