
Hi everyone. I am your typical 60ish married closetted bisexual male who has an incredible sex life, at least, in my imagination. :-) Looking for a community where I can truly be myself without shame or judgement, where people accept your sexual preferences like they would accept your food preferences. I am hoping to meet new friends and form relationships based upon honest and open communication, fantasy, and common interests.

As I mentioned, I am a bisexual with a family that would not understand or accept. I have had a little experience with MM sex and would love to experiment more, but safety and privacy concerns have prevented me from reaching out to make face to face connections. I am sure that many attached bi men will understand my situation and challenges. Protect your family, protect yourself, and have fun, in that order. Lets hope that this community will allow me to find some of that fun and hopefully add some fun to the community for the benefit of others.

I live in Canada near Toronto so would like to talk to any locals if they have a mind to. Well, maybe that's too much detail already so I will sign off for now. You can always reach out to me for a chat or just to say hi. I don't bite, unless you ask me to :-)



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