
Name's Jess. I'm bi, 26, unattached, 5' 5", fit & active, Southern, a bit of a smartass. Here for flirty chat & general silliness with women--and women only, please.

I'll happily talk with polite, respectful women of any (adult) age or sexual preference. If you've got a way with words and an intriguing profile (you DID fill yours out, didn't you?), so much the better.

I'm not much on roleplaying (except as me!) and I don't share intimate details about myself until I've talked with someone long enough to be comfortable doing it. So don't expect instant sexytimes.

I don't tolerate rudeness or pushiness from anyone. That includes calling me by a pet name (hon, babe, etc.) early in our acquaintance--it totally puts me off.


North Carolina USA

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