
A person who thought they could get away with it.

I read that some people communicate with followers by updating their bio. So I’m going to try. Chapter 6 of While There Is Hope comes out tomorrow. I hope (that’s funny) that you are enjoying the story. I just wanted to say that I am writing chapters 7 and 8 at the same time as they are very much linked. This means there might be more of a gap until they both publish. Depending on how this phase of writing goes, chapter 9 might be the last one, or the story might extend to chapter 10, or conceivably more.

Sorry for the wait! Hope Ch. 07 publishes tomorrow and Hope Ch. 08 on Friday. I’m working on Hope Ch. 09, which will be the last one unless something strange happens while I’m writing it. Thanks for being patient. I hope the wait was worth it.

I spoke too soon. Hope Ch. 09 is in the can, but there will now be a Hope Ch. 10, an epilogue that completes the story.

Hope Ch. 10 is out tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who stayed the course. I hope the ending is worth it.



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