
I have been a writer since the age of 5. I started with writing poetry to my mother and grandmother.

I adored my father. Yes, as a child I was very much a daddy's girl. My love of stories and writing them definitely came from his influence. As far back as I can remember, it was my Dad's stories he made up to tell me as bed time tales that sparked my imagination and fed my Insatiable Curiosity.
My older sister used to read to me also, on a regular basis. Tales from Uncle Remus, Disney stories, and even less heard of stories. She had this amazing ability to adapt her voice for each character no matter which character it was in a story, She made each one come alive in such a way I was totally swept up into a story and gave her my rapt attention.
Oh HOW I HATED story time to end and have to go to sleep!

As I grew up, my fascination with stories grew. I read the Iliad and the Odyssey at age 11 and amazingly enough, I understood it. I had, with all my previous experience become very mature in my comprehension and ability to write. At age 7 I understood and was able to write and read on a Junior high school level. The equivalent of age 13. My principal and teacher felt I should be put ahead a few grades. But, my mother who raised by a mother who was also an English teacher, said no. She knew the value of me having time with children my own age. But saw to it, through my sister and father, that my education was not neglected. And she also took the time, when she was not at work, to foster my writing by taking my work, my poems and stories and critiquing them.
All this pushed me to gain my parents approval and do my best to excel.

I was a published author by age 13. My poetry was published in a National Anthon of Poetry.
I submitted a story to a Television Station running a state competition and won 3rd place in this writing competition for my state. It was quite an accomplishment considering I competed against over 500 applicants and I was the youngest one to submit my story. The first and second place winners were both college students. The age limit was 25. The youngest age permitted was 13. It was in the State's newspapers and also broadcast with appearances by the winners on that sponsoring Television and Radio station affiliate. I did not attend the televised presentation of the awards as my family moved from the state the week of the broadcast. But I was able to view it later from a copy sent to me by a family member still living in the state.
As time passed I continued reading voraciously. All genre's. All types. Some I delved into and continue to this day. Others I read once or twice in that genre, and found little desire to read more.

Still curious, suspense loving and blooming in my physical and mental state as a young budding woman, I began to toy with writing erotic poetry and short stories.

Coming from a very strict moral upbringing it was quite taboo to read let alone write such things. Needless to say I did not share it with family or friends that might judge me.

I also found a desire to really write well, and become a truly published writer. Someone worthy of fans and publications.

I wrote my stories. Long ones and short ones. Some I submitted on a local basis. Some I just never had the brave enough spirit to risk rejection. More, is the pity there. Perhaps it was due to my own real life. It had changed. I married at age 21 after 3 years of University. I had the desire to be a nurse. However, with my marriage and quick pregnancy, all my well made plans and preparation went to the way side.

My only regret then, was I was far too busy to really write as I wished. School, husband and children took so much time and effort I was rarely able to spend time writing. Civorce and subsequent remarriage and a total of five children meant I had no time to write. I continued reading when I had snippets of time.
Then I was struck with cancer. I had a fifteen year battle with thyroid cancer. Needless to say I was often in bed for naps, depressed, weak and sometimes too sick and weak to do much as I was not diagnosed properly for ten years. For five years, I battled on, surgeries and medications and radiation and some forms of herbal chemotherapy. Finally and at last I won the battle and proud to say its been over ten years cancer free.
Facing life and death events such as these shape and hone ones priorities. I had never taken the time to revel in life or smell the flowers so to speak. I was so serious minded and worked to try and be the "perfect" wife and mother, that I forgot how important it was to stop and slow down; To laugh, and enjoy precious moments and enjoy the hummingbirds that regularly danced & drank at the nectar filled feeders hanging from the eaves of the roof in my front porch area. Now that is all changed. Here I am, hoping to be well received as I post!


British Columbia, Canada



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Writing, Gardening, Singing, Dancing, Fishing, Long Walks, Shell Collecting, Good Movies, Erotic Pictures, Writing Music




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