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SirensOfSilence's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Bisexual girl gets a gift from older lover.

4.34 274.6k 78 52 80

How long is it from lust to love?

H 4.66 305k 182 66 217


4.06 107.2k 20 10 20

Two friends fall in love; mad science and lesbian sex ensues.

H W 4.86 503k 539 86 647

Love takes a woman and her boss by surprise.

by RedEmerald
Lesbian Sex 03/15/2009
H 4.84 2.01M 3k 750 3.4k

A gay soldier and straight civilian celebrate Veterans Day.

H W 4.86 1.06M 2.2k 422 2.4k

A young man discovers same-sex lust and passion.

by bjmichaels
Gay Male 03/22/2012
4.24 101.4k 63 11 71

I bite my lip as I wait for the clock to hit 10 pm.

4.04 46.4k 40 2 40