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SpectraStraddler's Story Lists


A story list curated by SpectraStraddler

Things come to a head and Stephen must make a hard choice.

H 4.84 14k 32 25 44

Her new robot can do almost anything. What else can it do?

H 4.71 52.9k 126 22 194

Stephen brings home a beautiful home automation android.

by FelHarper
NonHuman 06/13/2018
H 4.82 35.8k 120 17 172

Fembot spy agencies clash, with humans caught between them.

H 4.82 52.9k 33 10 63

Fembot spy tries to steal something called "Project H".

4.48 39.3k 21 5 44

A discarded female android is repaired by a female mechanic.

H 4.68 21.8k 78 17 126

An android is clueless about sex. Her female friend helps.

H 4.69 12.6k 44 11 71

Turns out my new android has "special features"...

H 4.7 17.9k 55 25 87