
Long time reader finally drawn into writing. It's a lot harder than it looks and editing takes a way longer than actually writing something especially with work and family commitments.

I like stories with fun, devilish, dominant and sexy T-girls and futas. Naughty but nice hung girls, with a little bit of an edge and I like a bit of genuine affection in there too. If made into films my stories would probably be in the dick-chick-flick style or a dom-rom-com

My stories tend to be quite long and I don’t like to put anything out unless it’s complete as I’ve read too many stories that are just getting interesting and then finish. So you can expect a happy ending but not sequels.

I also tend to have my girls hung but relatively realistic. Seven to eight inch penis seems manageable in my mind but is still pretty damn enormous. I will go a bit bigger in stories that add a bit of fantasy and magic but two foot penis as thick as your leg? No… That sounds horrendous.

For me writing is just a little bit of harmless fantasy and what people like to read and write doesn’t always reflect what they would like to happen in real life so don't take it too seriously. (Especially if you’re one of those people who thinks my work is offensive to transgender people, or genies, or horses, or men, or people called Barry.)





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2 Years AgoMember Since
Two Years AgoUpdated
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Cat(s), Other


None - i'm sweet and innocent

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