
I am from the Deep South, born and raised. I turn the big 40 this year and I am married to that despicable pirate MS Tarot. We have three beautiful daughters that have four paws, a tail, and they bark. We also have some adopted "kids" that have adopted him and I as their parents and they are all over the world.

I love to sing, draw, bead, sew, scrapbook, bellydance, write poetry, photography and my favorite thing ever is to pester my husband.

I also play on a game called Second Life and make profile photos on there but I also do photo editing in real life.

We are part of a reinactment group called the SCA.

If you want to know more then all you have to do is ask, but remember, I do have the option to not answer. ^_^


Southern US

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Leather, Swords, Voices, Accents

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