
Feel the need to whine at me for this being long? You are on a website the is dedicated to multi chapter stories. And you got the link for my profile in a text based chat room..if reading is not your thing might I suggest you find yourself a nice porn site and tug one out.

I am a Literotica Chat Admin

No I do not get paid to do this. Also we do not have set shifts we need to work. Again this is a volunteer position so I don't need to be here for certain times and I will not put up with someone using abusive behaviour or language.

I can play online but I find myself not overly interested in play in the chat as of late. Sorry

I am not interested in watching porn or sharing pictures, Alternately I will also not be sharing my real time name either. You can share your's if you feel comfortable but..I will not reciprocate. You want my name? Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock.

(I am the nice one..Puzzlepieces told me so.:P) Buuuut....(points down)

Keep in mind my personality depends on me (It's motherfucking sparkling by the way) attitude depends on you So if I am being an asshole to you think about why.

I am 43

Yes I am married

Yes he knows I am here

No he does not mind

No he does not come on here

Yes I am sure lets move on shall we?

I got my name from a song I liked in high school by a band named Soul Asylum

I have a shovel...his name is Reginald. You may hear me mention him from time to time. You don't want to meet him despite him being shiny, He tends to come out when people are being stupid.

I am Pansexual. (not sure what that

This is a sexual chat room but you can probably think up some other subjects. Try it you might like it.

What do I look like? I am human female shaped. I have eyes and hair and all the parts I should have with the exception of my wisdom teeth.

No I don't have any pictures I am willing to show you.

No I will not voice chat with you.

If I am not responding to your PM fast enough for your liking..Put on your Big boy/girl pants and wait. It's a chat room not my life.

No I am not interested in becoming your online girlfriend/sub/Domme/Mommy. I am also not interested in becoming your realtime girlfriend/sub/Domme/Mommy, might I suggest a nice dating website

Want to know my ASL? go back to 1995 and make me a super cool angel fire page with ace of base playing in the background and maybe we can talk. (Yes I am old.)

If I tell you no thank you it means no thank you. If you choose to ignore my no I get much less polite and pleasant.

So have I scared you off yet? No? You Sir or Madam (or what ever you identify as) have the soul of a steadfast knight. Well feel free to pm or chat and I hope you have a lovely day.


Our house in the middle of our street.



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