
I’m here to satisfy the mandates of my vivid imagination.

About My Writing:

All of the stories I share are a combination of fiction and personal experiences. My writing is focused on my own values and desires. I primarily write for myself. There are several important elements, which I hope will be apparent in most or all of the stories I write.

First, the authenticity of my voice is important to me. I’m a straight cis male. I currently don’t feel comfortable adopting a different point of view. These stories are personal for me. They reflect my real feelings and ideas I’d like to explore. Maybe in the future, after I’ve read more works by female (trans and cis) and non-binary authors, I might attempt to write something from a different perspective, but that would likely be to express how I’d like to be seen through my partner’s eyes. For now, I prefer to express how I see my partner through my own eyes.

Body positivity is also important to me. I love women of all shapes and complexions. I feel like there’s a wildly inaccurate representation of female attractiveness in all forms of erotic arts. There are absurd beauty standards that pass as normal, while people who don’t fit that description are either excluded or fetishized. To me, a sexy woman is a woman who feels sexy. It’s much more about how she feels about herself than how society sees her. It’s about chemistry and desire. Simply put, I just like to follow the heat. I will not intentionally exclude any women (including trans women) from my writing.

I’d also extend this positivity to the male body. I understand body standards are much less oppressive for men, but we all know there are some misrepresentations of male desirability in erotic arts. I’ll endeavor to portray men with an equally realistic attitude. This might be less apparent, because I’ll often be the only male described within a story, so there won’t always be much variety. I’m not going to describe myself in a way that is dramatically different than how I really am. That would feel disingenuous, if not offensive.

The bottom line is, I want to treat people with dignity. I want to show a variety of people being seen as desirable.

Mutual pleasure will be a common theme in my writing. My stories will include a large portion of female pleasure from things other than penetrative sex. I don’t know where the rules about female pleasure are coming from or understand how they’re being communicated, but I will not indulge them. Pleasure is good. I won’t put boundaries on how it’s derived. I personally adore female pleasure - observing it, and in particular, helping create it.

I have a polyamorous relationship orientation. I endorse consensual non-monogamy. That’s not to say I disavow monogamy. It’s just not how I’m wired. I do not endorse cheating. Cheating will appear as a theme in some of my writing simply because it’s a common fantasy and widely practiced. It would be dishonest to deny these desires. I think writing is a healthy way to explore extramarital fantasies. If a story includes cheating I will tag it as such, either using “affair” or “cheating”.

If you have requests for story extensions or writing prompts you’d like me to consider, please send direct feedback. I will largely ignore comments in this vein posted below the stories themselves. Providing a little context about what you’d like me to include is helpful. Simply writing “needs a dp scene” isn’t going to make me interested in exploring your idea. That just feels entitled. I do appreciate thoughtful feedback, and will be much more amenable to requests when they’re communicated respectfully and sincerely.

Lastly, I’m not a professional writer. I write in my spare time because I enjoy it. I don’t want to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy editing or ask others to edit my work before publishing. I might consider working with someone if a trustworthy relationship develops, but for now I just edit my own writing. I may occasionally miss typos and small grammatical errors. Thank you for kindly overlooking these.



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