Hello, it has been a few years now since I have joined this website and community. Since then I have submitted 33 works of literature for you all to enjoy and be entertained with. I have lots more plans in store for you readers on here. My goal of reaching 30 entries has been met. Right now I am currently working on Fan Fiction/Celebrity series right now. I will return to continuing Living on the Edge and Rockin' The Hard Way in the future. I have the Mass Effect: Adventures on Omega series that is currently just starting on LIT. I have other fan fiction stories similar to Mass Effect's planned in the future. My goal is now to have at least 40 entries on LIT by the end of 2021.

A little bit more about me, I started writing stories since I was age eight. I don't have a degree and I never went to college. Everything I have learned over time came from patience, passion, and practice. I had some very good teachers in my youth that showed me the basics, of the beginning, middle, and ending, and leaving a story with a good cliffhanger to bring you, readers, in for more. Which is something I love doing...

I have my own style that is my own, it isn't for everyone. I know not everyone will like my stories, and that is fine. However, aggressive comments and wanting to have things changed because one thing doesn't make sense to you as a reader. Isn't going to change how I write my stories. If it reads to me and makes sense from a reader's perspective after I have written it. Then it shouldn't be difficult for other readers to grasp from that perspective either.

I write not to be famous, I do not write to become rich, that is not what a true artist in any art form does. They do it because they love and have a passion for the art form they are creating in. That is why I write, it is to entertain and be enjoyed for everyone. Everyone's perspective as you read a story is different from another's. How you picture my characters in your imagination as I am narrating my stories to you, is how you picture them. It isn't how I picture them, it's your own story, that is how I enjoy taking you on your own personal journey. Just like a videogame, movie, or tv show. It is my job as a writer, to direct you and lead you through that journey.

I hope you all enjoy my stories, as I do plan to go back and revisit some of my older titles, and give them a re-do. Some are in need of it and I will be continuing those in the near future.

Happy reading everyone and enjoy!!!

\nn/ \nn/ ROCK THE HARD WAY \nn/\nn/





Author Stats

5 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
39My Favorites
3My Comments
7Series Published

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Writing, Drawing,


Cosplay, Roleplaying, Bondage