
Welcome to my page!

Many thanks to all my followers old and new, your support is very much welcome.

I have (temporarily) suspended voting on my library for now. This is an intervention. I've somehow attracted a stalker (:wave:) who has dropped dozens of downvotes on a range of my submissions over the last week and a half. For their sanity and my own, it's all for the best. Here's hoping they read this and go touch grass or something, because life is waaaay to short for this kind of petty hate ❤️

Feedback is always welcome, constructive or otherwise, I'll never turn of comments or email feedback. Helps keep me grounded and reminds me that there are actually real people reading my worthless smut xxx
I'm a serial consumer of erotic fiction and professional procrastinator. Nurse by day, student of the absurd by night.

Vampire Take out:
Modern day Boston, non con, rough.
Bite Me - a different take on vampire seduction.
Use Me - the view from underneath.

Maid of All Work
2 parts submitted so far. My way of blowing off steam, the barest thread of plot, just enough of a thread to justify the gratuitous lesbian bondage and submission poor Molly has to put up with from pretty much everyone else in the house.
Elizabeth's Story
Elizabeth started as a minor vampire character that popped up a couple of times in "Embrace", but I'm a bit in love with her now so she's living rent free in my head. She lets me write about her life as a human/ghoul/thrall:
Debtor's Kiss (1547)
Debtor's Promise (1529)
Debtor's War three parts (1529-1550)
*****Set in Vienna, 1500's, heavy non-con/violent

And as an elder Vampire:
Three Hours (ongoing)
*****Set in Boston, Modern day, lesbian romance
The six part "Feed me harder". Succubi as parasites embedded in the echelons of 1960s high society. Listed in Non Human due to the nature of the protagonists, but with very heavy non con and a few fetish elements. "Sorry". Or "You're welcome", whichever applies. xxx
The eight part vampire series "Embrace" is based in the (slightly adjusted for plot reasons) world of White Wolf V20. It is set in late 1780's Vienna, and as such has a somewhat non-con flavour since human rights were barely a twinkle in anyone's eye back then. It's a plot heavy Malkavian coming of age story.
Most of my poetry is pure catharsis, I write what I feel, and my head it a mess sooo... Themes include nature, mortality and occasional romance.





Author Stats

2 Years AgoMember Since
Last YearUpdated
180My Favorites
106My Comments
6Series Published

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Fantasy, Role-Playing, Monsters Of All Kinds

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