
I want to thank my cat who constantly insists on helping me type.

*** Thank You Jeannie ***

8/7/04: I have written a few paragraphs of Chapter 16. I appreciate all the many fans who have asked me to finish this story. It has been a severe lack of time that has kept me from writing. Nonetheless, I will try to get the ideas out of my head and onto "paper" as quickly as possible.

Been working 2 jobs, often 6-days/week. In my spare time I have to do laundry, cooking, fight the IRS, clean the litter box, and all those other thing that make life so much fun.


*** Regarding A{}Almost Perfect Awakening ***

I'm aware of typos in many of the chapters, I hope to find time to correct them starting 10/2003.

11/29/03: Ch 01~07 have been re-edited and posted.

10/07/03 - A{ }Almost Perfect Awakening is a LONG story. It'll take a several chapters before you know what's going on, but this novel has MANY highly rated chapters.

Lit.com has removed the { } from A{ }Almost Perfect Awakening titles after 30 or so chapters had been posted...I don't know why, but hey...I'm only the author. The { }in my title is explained early in Chapter 1. FYI.

I've run a home-based business for over 10 years providing highly effective Organic Fly Control. Flies cannot develop a resistance to our control system. We can cost-effectively help with one horse to a herd, a barn full of cattle, or a million chickens. E-mail me for info via FEEDBACK. We can ship worldwide. We sell an organic fly [repellent] spray that sticks longer, smells great, and is GOOD for the skin of living creatures.


12/12/02: A Little Blue Dress. Yes, God willing maybe someday I'll write the story explaining Karen's actions. She did what she did for a reason! But it won't be anytime soon.

Dear Readers, When you send me a feedback letter asking a question, but don't give an e-mail address, it does make it difficult to answer. ;-)


Conn., USA

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Not Really

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