
I already told u I'm horny, so please don't ask about that anymore.

I also don't like being asked if I want to rp, kinks, what I'm into or what I want to talk about (that's what the room titles are for), why I'm here, or what I'm doing right now (umm pretty sure I'm doing this lol).

I would rather just chat to see where it takes us, and hope it might turn into something kinda like rp in a bit. The organic approach!
So please don't just start talking about what you'd do to me, or start a "scene", or ask if we can "play" this or that...and please don't act like we're best friends whenever u see me on here just because we had a good chat once!

And no, I won't chat on the phone or any other platform.
Oh, and don't mention anything even remotely close to under age... or breeding! wtf lol





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