
"Cath" is my braver alter-ego, like Catherine Guisewite in leathers on a Harley.

Maybe this non-fiction explains where my fictional stories come from...

I live together with my husband and his other two "wives." My marriage is recognized by "Cesar." All three are recognized by "Gott der Vater der Sohn und der Heilige Geist." Which tells you a great deal about us.

I met all three at the "deutsche Heilig-Geist-Kirchein" our families attended together. But I really got to know them in school. Gottfried, "Fred," was a year older than I. Maria and Gertrude, "Gert," were a year younger. Our friend and "spiritual advisor" Anita was two years older than me. She was ordainied by the Methodist Church of America (they later merged with the UMC) after the German Brethren refused to ordain her.

That action: they "wait-listed" her after she successfully completed her studies due to a quota system, had a major impact in our lives. After that date we questioned ALL AUTHORITY EVERYWHERE. That's when we discovered Sturgeon's Revelation: "90% of everything is crap."

We four girls talked a lot. After getting it all sorted out in our heads, meaning weeks and not hours later, Gert and Maria shared their first girl-girl experience together. Fred was over in the desert participating in "King George's War," and we were worried about him.

Fred is a great guy, and we all figured that the Biblical "one great guy, multiple great gal model" was a viable one. Fred gets variety, we get stability WIN-WIN-WIN. So, after he came home Maria gave herself to him. Then a few days later, she led Gertrude into their bedroom where she offered herself to Fred.

Before Fred came home Maria and Gert talked and made plans. Then they talked to me and we made plans for the future. After I was deemed "suitable" for our plan I was led to Fred by my "sister-wives" where I offered myself to him.

We have lived our lives inspired and informed by scripture. What the Bible actually says, as opposed to the traditions and interpretations of those who came later. I was at a meeting of multi-denominational ministers with Anita - who had since been ordained by the Pentecostal church as well as the MCA. An elderly minister who had been asked a question about a discrepancy answered, "well God was mistaken." He meant it as a joke, but we weren't really sure he didn't believe that. We have seen many ministers who put their beliefs before those that can be scripturally supported.

I can quite literally "recite chapter and verse," from scripture. Sex is a divine gift, marriage is an agreement between families (individuals) the State is not involved. Consent, respect and responsibility are Holy. Consensual Adult Incest isn't forbidden by either scripture or responsible veterinary science.

I grew up on a dairy farm. We had Ag Agents, traveling State University PhD-DVMs, provide us with detained instructions on how we SHOULD inbreed the herd at the same time my lying-sack-of-shit high school teachers promoted the political idea that the "Germans" in the community should not promulgate children as we were "too closely related."

Of course "the Germans" referred to the old "Ansiedlungs-Gesellschaft" families that settled the valley in the 1830-1840s regardless of their current genetics. The political desire was to divide and subdivide land and wealth, to marry their way into money. The reasons offered were unsupported pseudo-science and politico-pablum that flew in the face of real university research.

Lacking a "dumbass gene," I wasn't popular outside of my clique in school, but I have a degree in Business from that State University and have run successful companies. My older brother runs the family dairy farm now. (And he is the 2nd best guy on earth (by 0.00001 % ) and 100 % totally fuck-able if the situation had been different.)

Polygyny, one man - multiple women, is Holy. There are nine forms of "Holy Marriage" in scripture, but only one is sanctioned by Cesar, (the spiritual successor to the guy that fed our ancestors to Lions in the Colosseum). The world today is nothing like that of biblical times. A man could marry as many women as he could support. (God offered to give King David MORE wives if he didn't have enough. David's son had 300. God did not make the same offer to Solomon.)

A woman's duty is to be the source of strength and comfort to her man, to never, ever say "no." A man's duty is to keep his women sexually satisfied. Jesus himself said that WHEN a man has MULTIPLE wives he must treat them all the same. Not providing (financially or sexually) for your woman is the only scripturally sanctioned reason for divorcement. Fred has done both admirably for the three of us for many years.

The Bible has no prohibition against "girl-time," and we imagine that quite a bit of that happened back in "Biblical households," it certainly does in ours. (King Solomon, the guy with 300 wives, wrote a book of the Bible about the holiness of cunnilingus.)

- Cath



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