
Update 09/20/2021 -

One Night Can Change Your Whole World Ch. 05 - Need to preview this before sending it to my editor (sorry I've been slacking on this as I've been stuck writing other stories, but hope to review this in the coming weeks so I can get it to my editors).

Domination Ch. 8 - Working on writing this chapter (had personal things slowing me down in writing, but should be working on this soon).

Mistakes Can Happen Ch. 4- Currently being reviewed by the Lit Admins (thought this was posted but realized I never submitted it. I do apologize for the wait, but it has been submitted and should be out soon). Ch. 5 is waiting to be edited.

At the Lake Ch. 5 is being edited.

I'm finishing up a 6-7 Chapter series I've been writing, along with others, but life has delayed me from writing as much as I can (I'm finishing up the last chapter and will be doing some more Domination Chapters and then going on to other stories).

I do have other stories in the works but I'm providing these ones as they are almost done:

Coming in 2021:

It Started on the High Seas - Story about a family that takes a cruise and things that ensue during their international adventure. NOTE: this has been delayed and others have been focused on. I will continue this one in the future and finish before submitting.

There are others that I'm not naming yet so I don't get too far ahead of myself and have you all waiting for too long.


I have always loved writing and decided to give this a shot. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. I will try to respond back to criticism by email whether it is good or bad.

Thank you all for all the support and comments that have been provided.



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