
Reading between the lines - it is the curse of every writer and the duty of every reader.

Erotica without porn is just tawdry fiction. Porn without erotica is just boring.

My reaction to porn films is as follows: after the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first twenty minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live. Erica Jong

There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible. P. J. ORourke


I have been writing erotica - albeit poorly - for my wife for a number of years, and was happy to find this site. Now I can write for a much larger audience - although, still poorly. I am not sure what I write can be construed as erotic literature, per se. It is closer to what I like to call graphic pornography with a dash of panache; where, hopefully, I provide a modicum of good characterization, plotting and dialogue.

My writing philosophy, specifically, is that I do not mix and match sexual topics in my stories in relation to gay versus straight themes. I understand some readers frustration at suddenly being faced with material not to their sexual proclivities. As such, I go out of my way in not introducing homoerotic themes in an overall, heteroerotic story, and visa-versa, even though I would like to at times. Rest assured, if I do touch on out-of-the-mainstream subjects, I always give fair warning of my intensions at the beginning of the story.

Lastly, please leave a comment or email me if the mood hits you. I would love to hear from you, and I always enjoy reading your comments - whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. I will always respond to personal emails, but rarely to comments posted after my story. Most of all, please keep reading.

Best regards :: dresbach


Central US--although the voices in my head tell me something different.



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Hell, Yes

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