
I have been an erotic fiction author for many years - and a highly rated one at that. I have a unique ability to turn a lovely narrative into a devilishly good time.

Currently in college, having finished my Associates degree in 2019 and anticipating finishing my Bachelors in 2021, majoring in Communications: Social Impact. My primary professional goal is to see age-appropriate, scientifically accurate and comprehensive K-12 sexual education in all public schools, within my lifetime. Sounds like I'm kidding or being lofty, but not at all. I've told professors, advisors, etc. this, whenever they ask what I want to do with my degree. It's not my only direction - my degree is not about marketing or PR, but communications for groups involved in advocacy, non-profit aid, civil rights and public policy. But it is one of my main goals in life, to see this happen.

I also write articles, screenplays (shorts and feature length), blogs, personal and professional profiles, web content, product and media reviews. That's hardly an exhaustive list, but it gets you in the ballpark. In recent years I've also been an editor and content manager, and a virtual assistant.

I have a keen interest in the process of producing adult film, and expanding my repertoire beyond just writing. Please feel free to reach out to me about any potential opportunities, where you think we might make a good collaboration.

(a former project I've had to set aside, but haven't entirely let go of)
Here is a brief overview of my company...

FemmeAppeal.Me seeks to connect erotica and creative storytelling with every facet of the adult industry. Providing web content and profile services to other adult-industry businesses, custom-crafted fantasies and fictional stories for individual clients, and new industry tools and services designed to bring adult virtual realty environments into the 21st century. FA.ME also seeks to create a community, where those interested in erotic fiction, adult role-play, sexual education, adult game play tech and fantasy fulfillment can share thoughts, ideas and views toward the future.

FA.ME strives to create a home of sex-positivity, where everyone's preferences and limits are respected, and never judged. Healthy sexual expression is a key requirement for true human happiness, and it's the goal of FA.ME to help our industry partners, guest writers, sexual education friends, clients and community members facilitate that expression, all across life and the World Wide Web.


in the clouds, my head at least



Author Stats

17 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
3My Favorites
3My Comments

More About Me


June 12


Big & Beautiful





Dating Status



Writing, Uk Panel Shows, Movies, Tv, Volunteer Work, Web Design, Advocacy, Sexual Education



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