
12/9/12 It has been well over a year since my last update and I have to admit that I've moved onto other creative pursuits. Hopefully I'll come back to these stories some day. Thanks to everyone who has sent me encouraging words even after so much time since I made any contributions.

01/14/2012 I'd like to reply to the feedback I've been getting since my last post so long ago to say thanks. I'm not giving up on writing. I have stems of new stories and chapters and I, too, hope to see them finalized. Lately other pursuits have taken over but it's likely my mind will drift back towards populating my submissions page.

07/04/2011 Happy Independence Day! I just posted two chapters in one submission as a small offering to reward anyone who has been keeping an eye on the Chloe series all this time. I don't have as much time to write as I used to, but I'll try to be less of a stranger.

12/30/2010 I could have sworn I included a C in the title of chapter 17.

12/27/2010 I just submitted chapter 17 of Chloe's Internship and I have a couple of more chapters near completion. The tech guys in my story will be pushing it towards science fiction since that's what they're all about, but I'll do my best to keep the story nasty sexy.

11/30/2010 I just want to let anyone who is checking for the next update that I'm not done with the Chloe series. I have two or three more chapter's worth of stuff written but I want to make sure I know where I'm going before I post anything new.

9/26/2010 I've made some inroads into the next few chapters of Chloe's internship but I'm doing a lot of thinking about the direction I want to take the story. Meanwhile, I'm working on another short that I plan on putting up soon. Thanks to everyone for the continuing encouragement.

9/7/10 I noticed the points on chapter 15 of Chloe's Internship and it looks like it wasn't a favorite. Hopefully Ch. 16 will go over better. I'll probably keep writing for a bit regardless, but high scores help. That and feedback. Thanks to all the fans still following along.

9/5/10. I just uploaded chapter 16.

8/23/10. I just posted chapter 15, which is tiny. There will be more within two weeks.

8/22/10. I just uploaded chapter 14 of Chloe's internship. It's a bit short but there's lots of sex.

7/22/10. I'd like to thank everyone for the encouragement and I'm going to see about getting a few chapters up here in the next month or two. Chapter 13 should be popping up in a few days. I don't have that much spare time lately so I don't know if I can dedicate the same amount of attention as earlier, but I'll do my best.

6/6/10. I'm taking a break for a bit to work on various non-erotica related projects, but I plan to be back later this summer.

I like to write about girls going around not wearing enough to be legally dressed in reality, which means my stories have to happen outside of reality until reality comes to its senses. These girls typically grow sluttier and more submissive to dominant men and women throughout my stories.

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