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mysticfox19's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Love found between an unlikely couple.

4.39 69k 87 16 101

Ugly duckling is swept off her feet by Prince Charming.

by deepemerald
Romance 01/28/2009
H 4.72 145.6k 328 60 386

Marine makes love to beautiful African American girl.

H 4.55 72.2k 34 8 36

On the importance of scars.

by tennmac
Non-Erotic 09/16/2008
H E W 4.81 111.9k 133 86 142

Is their luck changing?

by redwitch
Romance 07/02/2007
H 4.77 44k 15 11 19