
Hello All,

I am a well-traveled, well-read individual. My past experiences have been diverse and adventurous, reminiscent of a blend between Howard Roark's character and the allure of Christian Grey.

As this year began, I recognized a shift in my desires, one where I felt they were steering me rather than vice versa. While I'm not opposed to exploring kinks and fetishes, I reached a point where I sought self-control. Hence, I've embarked on a year of Brahmacharya, a vow of total abstinence, since January 1.

The journey hasn't been easy. Saying "no" to many connections, both offline and online, posed challenges. Especially since I was managing one of India's prominent "gone wild" subreddits. The most difficult part, however, was distancing myself from someone I had genuine feelings for. The process of shadow work and self-integration has been intense, yet rewarding.

As my Brahmacharya phase nears its end, I am exploring the concept of white tantra: utilizing sex as a means for greater consciousness and connection. This requires a partner who is mature, open, and eager to delve into the profound dimensions of sexual energy. While this may seem abstract to some, there's evidence suggesting the potential overlap of these practices with neuroscience. For instance, current research is exploring the role of cerebrospinal fluid. Likewise, the Kundalini, a spiritual concept, might offer a way to harness this power. As someone grounded in both spiritual and scientific realms, I've been working on Kundalini breathwork, diligently studying source materials, and refining my practices.

***I am now seeking a female partner for the next phase.***

I recognize that many here might be in the BDSM realm, but I hope to connect with someone looking to explore beyond conventional sexual experiences. While our journey might start with basic human desires, I can assure an expansive and cosmic exploration if you're open to it.

If you've read this far and are intrigued by the journey ahead, please reach out. A deeper, fulfilling experience awaits us.



THAT Part of your Brain



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Standup, Porn, Erotica Authoring


Age Play, Bdsm, Group, Ffm, Ds, Ap, DMSS, DDLG, DMSMND

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