I've been surfing for porn so long it no longer turns me on! Fake naked chicks in all the old familiar poses, same old toys, fucking fat old men or creepy frat boys. It's all garbage!

Erotic stories, on the other hand, do offer some variety and really are victimless (the jury's still out for me on porn). Unfortunately, so many of them are the same. Writing my own is the only way to get a story with all the elements I like.

Mistaken identity, incest, pregnancy, regret and guilt, the taboo of sharing sexual intimacy with a sibling, uncontrolable hormones taking over common sense, trickery, revenge.

I'm not saying my stories are all that great in comparison to others, just that they fill my needs. I actually think it's pretty hard to write a good, quality erotic story. My mind gets going a million miles an hour and I start skipping ahead to the next sexy part before I've fully fleshed out the setup or the character development. It takes several sessions with a story before I can even add capitalization and pragraph breaks!

Oh well, screw that. If I'm going to read someone's crappy story, I appreciate it when they leave character development, setup, plot and consistency to the pros. Lay out the basic story, throw in a few unexpected twists, and then get to the sex. It's like a movie director who limits the spoken lines of a child actor. Cut your losses! Take fewer risks!


portland, me

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23 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
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Photography, Taboo, Bed Time Stories, Exploration

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