
STATS: Almost six feet tall, chocolate eyes, ever-changing hair (currently blue/black), nice and voluptuous with a glorious set of DD's!

BODY MODS: Ha Ha! Just got 2 tattoos! I am no longer a virgin! Woo hoo! One on each arm (lower delts). Japanese symbols. Right arm is "naughty" and left arm is "joy"!!!!!! Yay!!! Now I can start planning for my back piece! Also, I am going to get my nose pierced soon! Happy days!

FAVORITE BANDS: Disturbed, Meatloaf, Melissa Etheridge, Garth Brooks, Martina McBride, Brian Setzer Orchestra (or Stray Cats), classical, anything Broadway--especially Phantom of the Opera and Beauty & the Beast, Metallica, Julie Roberts...and Little Mermaid soundtrack

FAVORITE FILMS: Labyrinth, Princess Bride, Goonies, Milo & Otis, Neverending Story, Little Mermaid, The Bear, Benny & Joon, love actually, Predator, Evolution, The Incredibles, Tombstone. Pride & Prejudice...and more ecclectic shit! Oh, Hellboy ROCKS!

FAVORITE BOOKS: Hot Zone & The Cobra Event by Richard Preston(best books ever), romance (mmm, hot sex) Shakespeare, Harry Potter, Homer, Grisham, The Terminal Man, Calvin and Hobbes, Dilbert, Mrs. Murphy mysteries, The Cat Who...books, and the Joe Grey mysteries

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Medical Investigation rocks! CSI (the original, not Miami), I love the Naked Chef! Any Law & Order (especialy CI), Scrubs, Crossing Jordan, Friends, MythBusters (and anything else on Discovery, TLC or Animal Planet), Joey, any show where they show surgery

FAVORITE ARTISTS: Myself (yes, I am quite proud of my photos), Frederic Leighton, Ansel Adams, LP, David Doubilet, Chagall, Van Gogh, Edmund Blair Leighton

VICES: Food...gawd, I love food. I believe that life is too short to deny yourself any sort of pleasure. I could die tomorrow, and I sure as hell ain't gonna forego the chocolate cake! I am uncontrollable video gamer (Dark Cloud 2 RULES!). I am also a control freak...don't touch my fucking stuff and you and I'll be okay...

CURRENT CRUSH: The love of my life...

INTO: Looking at beautiful people, listening to great music, eating delicious food, and helping those that can't rescue themselves (oh, and reading National Geographic as soon as it comes in the mail). Just singing, dancing, living, loving............

MOST HUMBLING MOMENT: There have been many humbling moments in my life, and I do try to learn from them...but alas, I fear that I am a terrible student.

5 ITEMS I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: my animals, my computer, my cellphone, all my books (over 2000), my camera...wait, I can only choose five?

MAKES ME HAPPY: laughing after great sex, gorgeous food, great sex, singing, children laughing, a great love story, (did I mention great sex yet?)...oh, and being in love

MAKES ME SAD: Being alone, no sex, stupid people, the trampled upon and used, the helpless and abused (all species), mean and vindictive people (fuckers)

GETS ME HOT: listening to Disturbed, anything to do with vampyres, bondage, the Phantom of the Opera, being bitten on the neck--hard.

I LOST MY VIRGINITY: In a plain ol' bed...but it was fucking fantastic!

FAVORITE SEXUAL POSITION: doing it doggie-style with his hands on my tits and/or him pulling on my hair

FANTASY: having a menage-a-cinq (that's five-way) with my love, Vin Diesel, Hugh Jackman, and The Rock...oh my gaaaaaaaawwwwdd. Of course, I would be tied up and there would be a blindfold and whip involved and........ sweet jesus, she whispers..........


Seaside, CA

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Dog(s), Cat(s), Bird(s), Reptile(s), Other


BDSM, Anal

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