How do I report a security concern?

If you are a security researcher, software developer, or other concerned party and you believe that you have found a security issue that might impact Literotica, we want to know about it!

There are several ways you can report issues with the site:

  1. Use our online bug report form.
  2. Go to the footer of the page where you see an error and click on the “Report a Problem” link to open a form that will allow you to easily report an issue with that specific page.
  3. Contact us via our Contact Form or Email and send us details about the issue.
  4. Email us directly at info at Literotica dot com.

Whatever method you use to contact us, please be sure to include the exact URL where you found an issue, as well as specific details about the issue, and any other relevant information that you think might help us track down the issue and fix it.

Thank you very much in advance for caring enough to contact us and let us know about any issues.