Essentially Expendable.

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Society and discrimination.
125 words
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Children crested with a shameful seal.
Judged mercilessly by ignorance's infallibility.
Do broken crayons not color?
Forgotten voices hastily left to sinful silence.
An unapproved audience of relentless ridicule.
I this to be our fates?
Bound in the yokes of a hypocritical hierarchy.
An myriad of injustices egregiously endured.
Predestined under, We the people?
Like broken toys left discounted discarded.
They contribute yet are unitedly unaccounted.
Why am I a problem for opinion?
A lost generation victim to tailored toleration.
Left to slave blindly as the wasted withering.
Who selects what's elite?
Viewed as the products of petulant pawns.
To die repressed truths of liberty's lies.
Why don't they see?
Victims raised instead of equalizing exaltation.
Fervently ignored by disguised discrimination.
Can we really change?

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29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowalmost 4 years ago

A powerful plaint to be heard about queued questions waiting for a solution.

Thanks for finding words.

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