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For as much as the Stars love the sky so shall I love you.
Just as a single drop of rain falls to the Earth I have fallen for you.
Even as the sea yearns to be filled with life I yearn to be filled with you.
I asked you, what is the value of a coin with only one side?
Does it have value even if it in itself is incomplete?
Then why not should we be whole me being the tails to your heads.
If only you could see and I experience genuine unity manafest.
Just as flowers reache to the sky for its touch I am reaching for you.
As if ensnared by gravity's pull I can't help but fall for you.
Catch me, don't let me shatter on the Earth like a fallen glass.

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29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowalmost 4 years ago

A beautiful, romantic collection of analogies to nature to compare how deep, far going, large love can be.

Thanks for these inspiring words.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I really enjoyed the pome the part about the coin really spoke to me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I love the first two lines.

CrpunnitCrpunnitalmost 4 years ago
Touching stuff

Nice poem. Good metaphors

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