100 In The Shade


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Outside, the two men looked around dejectedly.

"Looks like your friend wasn't as reliable as you thought," the smaller man finally said.

"Come on, let's go back to the office," Sam said.

"Want to get a couple of doughnuts first?" the smaller man asked, indicating the bakery across the road.

"Sure deal," Sam smiled.

The afternoon sun hung low in the sky. Early had rid himself of the ham, as well as the corned beef. .

Anna, Lady Emily DeGarde's servant came in and took the brisket, as well as the capon, then slid an envelope across the counter to Mr. Early.

Early opened the envelope, read the order, and nodded to the colored woman.

"tell Lady Emily 'bout ten, maybe little later tonight," Early agreed and the woman took the wrapped packages. She hastened to leave the shop when Sheriff Wilson Monroe eased his bulk into the shop.

"Aw, girl you wait you a minute, I stop by, might even get down with you yeah," he offered the colored woman.

"Oh, um, you sure?" the woman asked, smiling nervously.

"Yeah, ain't no trouble and it too hot be walking and carrying all that meat," Sheriff smiled. "Hell, hot it is, that meat be cooked 'fore you even get there."

The woman laughed at the Sheriff's jibe and quietly waited in the corner.

"Sheriff, got something new been wanting you tell me what you think," Early said, pulled a flask and two glasses from under the counter. The large man watched as Early poured dark amber liquid into the two glasses.

"Looks good," Wilton observed, holding the glass up and squinting.

He swirled it around in the glass, then smelled it.

"Um, um, um, aw yeah," he agreed, and then took a small sip.

"Whew!" he finally said and drained the glass and held it out for more.

"What that is?" he asked.

"Used me some rye and then put it in some sugar maple barrels," Early disclosed as he poured some more of the whiskey into the glass.

"Early, I tell you, that is your finest, yeah," the law man agreed.

"Lady Emily going want her some," Anna quickly said, then gasped and opened her eyes wide.

She knew, even as the servant of Lady Emily DeGarde, it was still impolite for a colored woman to interrupt two white men when they were talking. They could strike her for her impertinence and Mr. Early could even banish her from his store.

"Yes ma'am, Miss Anna," Early smiled and Anna's stomach slowly unknotted.

"Want you a little?" Wilton smiled at her.

"You sure?" Anna asked cautiously.

"Here," Wilton said, sliding his own glass toward her.

She imitated the movements she'd seen him do, and then coughed as the harsh liquid burned her throat.

The two men laughed, and Wilton nodded to Early.

"I take one of your sweet and I'm want me one of that too; that's good yeah," the man ordered

Early nodded in agreement and the Sheriff put a few crumpled dollar bills onto the counter.

Early stepped out the rear door and nodded with satisfaction. Molly was busy giving the hogs their feed, while Polly was pushing the milk cows into their stalls.

He took out his key, unlocked the padlock that secured the door of the smokehouse, and entered the suffocating interior.

Sheriff Monroe nodded in appreciation as Early handed him the two wrapped packages. He ushered Anna to the door and even held it open for her, even though she was just a colored woman.

In the Sheriff's automobile, Anna was grateful for the ride but did hope fervently that Sheriff Wilton Monroe would not be getting down. If he did get down at Miss Emily's house, he would expect a quick bit of fun in the room she and Belle shared.

"Man, that Billy Huval, he 'bout done with that levee he making, huh?" Wilton commented as they passed by the burly Cajun and his deaf wife.

He gave a small toot of the horn and waved to the two as they carted more dirt to the top of the hill they were forming. The woman looked in interest as her husband straightened and waved at the Sheriff.

"Pretty little thing; damned shame she can't hear no," the sheriff said as the deaf woman smiled her wide open smile and returned the Sheriff's wave.

"I put my hands over my ears, trying see what that's like," Anna admitted. "It ain't nice no."

"Listen, I ain't got no time get down with you," Wilton admitted as he pulled up to the large house. "My Claire? She got her the cough."

He indicated the two packages that rested on the seat between them.

"Why I stopped by for that Sweet; clears that cough right up. Squeeze you a little lemon in there you got any? Best stuff for a cough yeah."

"Oh, all right," Anna said, feigning disappointment.

Shortly after the Sheriff and Anna had departed, Early locked up his shop and ushered the two girls upstairs. Together, the three made quick work of preparing their evening meal.

"I'm stop by Lady Emily's little bit later on," Early said as he scraped the last of the rice and gravy from his plate.

"I can go with you?" Molly immediately said.

"Molly we talking late yeah," Early warned.

But Polly also clamored to go; they both loved to see the large mansion.

"And you wear you your shifts, hear?" Early ordered as both girls began to fill the large washtub with water.

Molly stood at four feet, eleven inches, and Polly was only an inch or two taller, so both girls were able to squeeze into the tub together.

"And don't be getting it all over the floor neither," Early warned, entering his bedroom.

Despite his warnings, much water was splashed onto the floor. After the girls were done scrubbing the sweat and grime from their flesh, they bent to dry the hardwood floor.

Early peeped through a crack in his door. Right now, Polly's rounded buttocks wiggled and waggled in view. He could see her pink anus, and just below, her pretty little pink slit framed by carrot orange hair.

Molly's naked breasts hung down, full and ripe, as she sopped up the water. Her aureole were large and dark, capping the large round orbs.

Molly sat up to wring her flannel sheet into the tub and Early could see the heavy profusion of hair that covered the girl's crotch. Her mother had possessed a similar thicket of hair, until Early had taken his razor, the same one he scraped across his face every evening, and whisked away Marianne's hair, leaving her smooth and hairless. He kept her that way until she suddenly took sick with consumption.

Then Polly wiggled around and Early looked at her larger breasts with their red, almost reddish brown nipples.

Molly's buttocks now loomed into view and Early saw that the girl, just like her mother, had a heavy carpet of hair covering her anus.

Then both girls agreed that their task was completed and they scampered, breasts and buttocks bouncing, into their room.

"And I mean it, yeah, you put them shifts on; I don't care it hot no," Early demanded as he stepped into the parlor.

"Yes sir," Molly yelled through their closed bedroom door.

"It never occurred to either girl to question how their father always seemed to know the moment that their bathing was completed.

Early threw out the sudsy water, and then filled the tub again from the kitchen pump.

Checking that the girls' door was shut Early stripped off his sweat stained clothing and immersed himself into the cool water. He scrubbed quickly, lathered up his face with the harsh lye soap, then with the straight razor, scraped his face clean

He checked again that the girls' door was firmly shut. Three pulls on his fat cock and he spent a goodly portion of semen into the water.

Then he dried himself off and pulled on his Union suit.

"'Bout done?" he asked and immediately, Polly and Molly spilled into the hall, both in their Sunday's finest.

Raise them hands up, touch the roof," he ordered.

They did and Early nodded; they both had shifts on under the good dresses. And Polly was even wearing shoes on her feet.

"All right, I get the truck ready, then we can go," he said.

Chapter 2

Early dressed in black trousers and black shirt and even pulled on his black cap.

Stepping into the yard, Early looked around. The moon was only a quarter full, so there was very little light, but he knew the yard by memory.

Again, he unlocked the padlock for the smokehouse. Stepping in, he checked the embers, decided to put another few wet hickory logs onto the fire and then walked to the far wall. He pulled a panel aside and entered a smaller room.

Miss Emily had ordered one case of his Regular, two cases of his Sweet, and Anna had requested a case of his Finest.

He loaded the four wooden boxes onto a wagon, pulled it into the larger room, and then slid the panel shut again. He checked that the panel was snug, that there were no seams visible, and then wheeled the wagon to the door.

Opening the door of the smokehouse, Early checked that the yard was still quiet, and then pulled the wagon out of the smokehouse.

Once again, he made sure the padlock was securely closed and pulled the wagon to the garage. The wagon moved noiselessly; Early had made sure that the axles and bearings were well oiled. Likewise, the rear door of the garage also opened without noise. Early moved slowly, methodically, putting the four heavy wooden crates into the rear of the truck onto thick blankets. Then he put felt pads between the crates and finally, covered them with a large canvas tarpaulin.

Then the wagon was placed into the truck, upside down, to keep it from rolling.

A glance through the small window in the garage's door showed nothing amiss, so Early gave a very short but loud whistle and then opened the garage doors.

Polly and Molly came out; skipping in their excitement and Early helped them into the cab of the truck, his meaty hand resting a moment or two on their haunches.

His final action was to drop two shells into the double barreled twelve gauge shotgun and prop the stock between his legs.

He released the hand brake and the truck coasted noiselessly out of the garage. Early pulled the brake back and frowned as there was a small 'squeak' heard. He stepped out of the truck, looked up and down the dirt road and still saw nothing out of place.

Then he closed and padlocked the garage doors.

With a roar, the powerful motor came to life and Early pressed on the accelerator.

Next to him, Polly laughed; loving the rumble of the powerful engine.

As soon as he turned left, an automobile's headlights flashed on and Early cursed under his breath. He recognized the automobile that the two strangers had been driving.

"Hang on to something," he ordered and dropped the truck into second gear.

"Oh no," Molly said, eyes wide with fear.

"There he is!" Sam said s they saw the truck turn onto the road.

"I see that," the smaller man agreed.

Sam jammed the car's accelerator and wrenched the steering wheel to his left to block the truck.

The truck jerked to the left and Sam twisted the wheel to his right and opened his mouth in shock as the truck quickly jerked back to the right and zoomed past, heading south.

"Get him!" the smaller man screamed, outraged at Sam's stupidity.

Sam whipped the wheel around; very nearly getting them stuck in the soft earth along the side of the road, but did manage to finally get them heading south.

"They got turned around, Daddy," Polly said, kneeling on the seat and looking through the rear glass of the truck.

"Thought for sure he'd get them stuck yeah," Early admitted.

He then turned off the truck's lights.

"What the..." Sam screamed as the truck suddenly vanished.

"They turned off their lights, stupid," the smaller man snapped. "You can't go any faster?"

Sam tightened his grip on the wheel and urged the car faster.

"They really coming now, Daddy," Polly said voice giddy.

"Uh huh," Early laughed and likewise pressed down heavily on his accelerator.

He shifted rapidly from fourth gear back to first gear and slowed down enough to make the turn.

In the pursuing automobile, Sam had to slam on his brakes and wrestle with the car to make the sudden turn.

"Here he coming yeah," Polly said, voice high pitched with excitement.

Early let them get close enough to see him in the beam of their headlights, and then he turned sharply to the left.

He drove up Huval's Levee at an angle, enabling the truck to gain purchase on the steep mound of dirt. He then jammed the truck in reverse and drove rapidly backward along the top of the earthen wall.

Then he stopped.

"Oh!" Molly gasped as the other automobile plowed straight into the wall of loose dirt and bogged down, coming to a complete stop.

Early then turned the lights on and they could see that the occupants of the car were unharmed. Dazed, shaken, but unharmed.

Early carefully drove down the earthen wall, gave a cheerful little toot of his horn, then drove to the DeGarde mansion.

At the mansion, Polly and Molly got out, gawking at the truly magnificent home. It stood three stories tall and both girls craned their heads, looking at the electric lights twinkling in the upper floors' windows.

They'd been inside the home, into the very ornate parlor and into the exquisite kitchen. They could only guess at what elegant wonders the second and third floors held.

Lucas, the colored man chuckled at the girls' childlike admiration of the home as he and Early made quick work of unloading the truck.

"Thank you, Mr. Early," Lady Emily DeGarde said and both girls huddled together as the woman of the house approached.

The woman stood at only five feet tall, the same height as Molly and Polly. But she kept her dark brown curls cut very short, and had a child's ribbon holding it in place. She also wore the short dress of a child and even had lace socks and highly polished shoes of a child on her feet.

"Good evening, Lady DeGarde," Early said and bowed.

The lady of the home giggled and curtsied. She then handed Early an envelope with cash, waved to the two awe-struck girls, then turned and skipped back into the large house.

A moment later, Lady Emily returned, holding two large shortbread cookies in her hand.

"Here, Anna made these just this morning; they're so good; want one?" the woman shrilled excitedly and the two girls looked at their father for his approval.

"Tell Lady DeGarde thank you," Early said and nodded his appreciation as the colored man put the wagon into the truck again.

"Thank you, Lady Emily," both girls mumbled, still gawking at the elegant home.

The woman smiled and again skipped back into the house. Lucas nodded to Early, then bowed to the two girls and followed the lady of the house.

Molly and Polly ate the cookies, both mumbling happily. The cookies tasted as rich and elegant as the home to the girls.

Again, their father helped them up into the truck with a hand holding their small hand, and a meaty paw lifting them by their haunches.

In the field, Sam and the smaller man stood next to their disabled automobile and looked dejectedly up and down the dirt road.

"Hey, someone's coming," Sam said as he saw the truck's headlights.

"That's him! Damn it, that's him!" the smaller man whined.

"Girls, stay in the truck yeah," Early ordered and handed Polly the shotgun. "And they start anything, shoot them yeah."

"What's he doing?" Sam asked as Early came to a stop, and then put the truck in reverse and backed up to the disabled automobile.

"Look like you stuck bad," Early said pleasantly as he got out of the truck.

"Why you..." the smaller man said and stuck is hand into his jacket, reaching for his gun.

They both heard the hammer of the shotgun cocking back.

"Nice and slow yeah," Early cautioned.

The man slowly took his hand out and showed the before unnoticed occupants that his hands were empty.

"Now, what you was doing when you got stuck?" Early taunted as he grabbed a chain from the bed of the truck. "This ain't no road."

He looped the chain around the automobile's bumper, then the truck's bumper and linked the hook through a chain link.

"It in neutral?" he asked Sam.

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

"All right," Early said and got back into the truck.

The truck edged forward, the tires spun a little, and then the wheels gained traction and pulled the automobile slowly came free from the soft earth. He slowly pulled the automobile to the road, then stopped, got out and unhooked the chain.

"So uh, what happened to the broads was looking for them a party?" Early asked, peering into the automobile.

"Never you mind what happened to them," Sam barked.

"Well, that a shame," Early smiled, tossed the chain into the rear of his truck's bed and got back into his truck.

Back home, Early made the girls get out before he backed into the garage.

"Now get on up and get in bed yeah," he ordered. "And I don't want hear no 'oh I'm so tired, oh I don't want get up no' you hear?"

"Yes sir," Both girls said and scampered into the house.

Inside the smokehouse, the logs were smoking heavily and Early's eyes watered as he parked the wagon inside. The panel was still in place, the meats still hung to smoke, and he nodded in satisfaction, then left. He heard some coyotes yelping but knew they were too far away for him to get a good shot at them.

Inside their bedroom, Molly dutifully pulled on her long sleep shirt. Polly, however, did not. She flopped down on the bed, nude.

"Polly best get your sleep shirt on yeah; daddy see you like that..." Molly hissed.

"It too hot," Polly whined.

"I know it hot I ain't stupid no," Molly said. "But you know Daddy."

Their father seemed to know just when to enter their bedroom; he caught Polly getting under the covers as naked as the day she was born.

"I tried tell her, Daddy," Molly said.

"Come see," Early ordered the shaking Polly.

The girl grabbed for her sleep shirt but Early shook his head.

"No, come see, like that," he ordered.

She hung her head and walked to where her father stood.

He grabbed her arm and marched her into the parlor, sat in a hard wooden chair and pulled her across his lap.

Polly knew better than to argue, or to plead for mercy.

"I'm thinking, you just being silly, you just being naughty but you ain't trying be bad, what you think? Ten?" Early asked.

"Yes sir," Polly agreed.

His left arm rested against her hanging breasts as he propped her across his lap. His right hand rubbed her full, smooth buttocks.

She tensed up when he quit rubbing her soft flesh but no blow came. She relaxed, wondering what he was hesitating for.

"Aiee!" she cried out as he did suddenly slap her left buttock, quite hard.

"Aiee!" she cried out when a second one landed on her right buttock.

"Ooh!" she moaned as a third, fourth, fifth and sixth blow came, alternating between her buttocks.

So intent was she on the pain in her buttocks, she did not notice her father's hand kneading her full breasts; that he was alternating between squeezing the left and the right breast.

Too soon for Early, but not soon enough for Polly, the tenth blow was administered and Early helped the girl to her feet.

"Now, give me a kiss," Early demanded and Polly did kiss his lips, and then walked to the bedroom.

"Told you," Molly whispered as a tearful Polly pulled on the night shirt.

Chapter 3

True to his prediction, both girls were sluggish, surly the following morning.

"I need get my strop?" he finally asked, which did improve their demeanor considerably.

"Corn coming today," he said and looked up when Polly let a groan escape.

"Yes sir," she quickly amended.

It was another brutally hot day, but a quick rainstorm did bring on some temporary relief. But, when the rain had passed, the sun again bore down and the steam rose up from the ground.

"How do, Bob Tillman politely said as he unloaded several bushels of corn.

Polly and Molly were both polite but did not encourage conversation; Bob Tillman would talk your ear off if you gave him an opportunity. Polly and Molly helped the man fill the corn crib; it was hot, dusty work.
