1982 Part 03 - A Night to Remember


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The group listened intently to Emily's story, their expressions a mix of shock and intrigue. Elizabeth, Martha's mother, who had been smoking her Virginia Slims Menthol with a short cigarette holder, looked impressed. "Wow, I could never do something like that," she said, taking a drag from her own cigarette.

Howard let out a low whistle. "You sure know how to live it up, Emily," he said, taking a sip of his whiskey.

Michael, who only smokes Marlboro Reds when he drinks, lit up another cigarette and leaned back in his chair. "That sounds like quite the adventure," he said, blowing out a cloud of smoke.

Karen, who was a stay-at-home mom and didn't smoke, looked a little taken aback. "I had no idea you were such a wild child, Emily," she said, her eyes wide with surprise.

Clara's parents, John and Susan, who were sitting next to her, shared a glance and a nod, impressed by Emily's story too.

The group continued to play and drink, the mood becoming more relaxed and carefree as the night went on. Emily lost another round and with a sigh, she picked "dare."

Elizabeth, who had been nursing her Virginia Slims Menthols throughout the night, leaned forward with a smirk. "I dare you to remove those nicotine patches and let your true smoker self emerge."

Emily hesitated, her hand instinctively going to the patches hidden on her skin. "I don't know if that's a good idea," she said, her voice uncertain.

Michael, who had been downing whiskey and smoking Marlboro Reds all night, chuckled. "Come on, it's just a dare. What's the worst that could happen?"

Emily thought for a moment before reluctantly peeling off the patches, revealing her nicotine-stained skin. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and let out a thick plume of smoke, a hint of defiance in her eyes.

"Alright, now let's see some real smoking skills," Elizabeth said, challenging Emily to a smoke-off. Emily took up the challenge, performing a French inhale as dense as one can be. The group watched in awe as Emily effortlessly inhaled the smoke from her cigarette, her exhale a thick plume of white smoke that swirled and twisted in the air.

Michael couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by the grace and skill in which she smoked. "Wow, Emily," he said, taking a drag from his own cigarette. "You've got some serious talent.". Unknown to the rest, his member was building up a bulge in his pants.

Elizabeth nodded in agreement, impressed by Emily's display. "I didn't know you had it in you," she said with a smirk.

Emily took another drag from her cigarette, the tip glowing brightly as she shrugged nonchalantly. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve," she said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

The group sat around the table, mesmerized by Emily's smoking skills as she effortlessly chain-lit cigarette after cigarette. The ashtrays filled up quickly, and the air was thick with smoke. Michael couldn't take his eyes off of her, entranced by her effortless dangle and smooth inhales.

"Daaaamn, Emily. You've been holding out on us," Martha exclaimed, impressed by her friend's smoking abilities.

Emily just shrugged, a sly smile on her lips as she took another drag from her cigarette. "I told you, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve," she said, the smoke curling around her head like a halo.

Howard just shook his head, chucking. "I think we've created a monster," he said, laughing.

The group continued to drink and smoke, the night becoming a blur of laughter and smoke-filled memories. Emily didn't let her cigarette leave her lips, danging it with a practiced ease that left the others in awe. And as the night came to a close, and the group stumbled out into the cool summer air, Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and contentment.

It was a night she would never forget. Especially for what came next.

The group of mothers huddled in the backyard, the smell of cigarettes and cigars lingering in the air. Elizabeth, Martha's mother, took a drag from her Virginia Slims Menthol and spoke up. "I think our girls are smoking," she said, a hint of concern in her voice. "I'm sure Martha is, but I suspect Clara and Amy are too."

Susan, Clara's mother, let out a sigh of frustration. "I can't believe this," she said, shaking her head. "I'll have to have a talk with Clara about this, and put a stop to it right away."

Karen, Amy's mother, looked torn. She took a sip of her beer and said, "I don't know what to do. I want to be respectful of Amy's choices, but I also know how dangerous smoking can be."

Emily, who had been quietly listening, took a drag from her cigarette and spoke up. "My mother tried to make me stop smoking," she said, exhaling a thick plume of smoke. "It didn't work. If the girls truly want to keep smoking, they'll find a way to do it. It's up to you as a parent to decide how you want to handle it, but trying to stop them by force probably won't work."

Susan crossed her arms and glared at Emily. "It's easy for a smoker to say that," she said, her tone accusatory. "But as a mother, I can't just sit back and let my daughter make such a dangerous choice."

Elizabeth stepped in, her voice firm. "Emily wasn't saying that it's okay for the girls to smoke, she's just being realistic. We can't control their every move and if they want to smoke, they'll find a way to do it."

Emily just shrugged, taking another drag from her cigarette. "I'm just giving you my perspective," she said calmly.

Karen looked around at the group, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "I don't know what to do," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just want to do what's best for Amy, but I also want to respect her choices."

Susan's tone grew more heated, "Smoking is not a choice to be respected," she spat. "It's disgusting and it's going to kill my daughter if she doesn't stop."

Elizabeth shook her head, "That's a little too much, Susan," she said, trying to diffuse the tension.

But Susan wasn't backing down. "It's not, it's the truth," she said firmly. "I will not live with a smoker under my roof. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Clara stops this dangerous habit."

Emily remained silent, but purposely dangled her cigarette and let out a thick cloud of smoke. Her actions were a clear sign of defiance and a message to Susan that her words were not getting to her.

Karen's expression turned to one of fear as she looked around at the group, the conversation was escalating quickly. She didn't want to take sides, but she also didn't want to see her daughter get caught in the middle of this argument.

Elizabeth shook her head, her tone harsh. "That's a pretty harsh stance, Susan," she said. "And I'll remember that the next time you invite me over for dinner, since I'll be a smoker under your roof."

Susan sneered at Elizabeth. "You'd better," she said. "I can't stand the smell of cigarettes in my house after you visit."

Emily, who had been quietly listening, let out a thick cloud of smoke from her cigarette, her expression unreadable.

Elizabeth's voice was firm as she spoke up. "I've made up my mind," she said. "I'm going to allow Martha to smoke as much as she wants."

Susan's face twisted in anger. "You can do whatever you want with Martha, but I won't have Clara hanging out with a smoker. I'll forbid her from seeing Martha again." she said, her voice cold.

Emily, who had been quietly listening, took a long drag from her cigarette and exhaled a thick plume of smoke. She didn't say anything, but her actions spoke louder than words as she stood in solidarity with Elizabeth and Martha.

Karen's voice rose above the argument, her hands shaking with frustration, "Stop it! Both of you, just stop it! This isn't getting us anywhere," she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

The group fell silent, their eyes turning towards Karen. She looked around at the group, her eyes filled with shame and embarrassment. "I can't believe how this conversation has escalated," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elizabeth and Susan both looked down, ashamed of their behavior. Emily, who had been chain-smoking through the entire conversation, took a drag from her cigarette and spoke up. "Karen's right," she said, her voice calm and collected. "We shouldn't be fighting like this."

Karen looked at Emily, grateful for her support. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause such a big argument," she said, her voice filled with remorse.

"No worries, Karen," Elizabeth said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We all got a bit carried away. We should probably head home now."

"Yeah, it's getting late," Susan added, her voice still filled with frustration.

The group began to disperse, leaving Karen and Emily alone. Karen turned to Emily, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "I'm sorry about my friends," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't worry about it," Emily replied, taking a drag from her cigarette. "It's not your fault."

The two women stood in silence for a moment, the only sound the gentle crackle of Emily's cigarette. Karen took a deep breath and looked up at Emily. "I don't know what to do about Amy," she said, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Emily took a drag from her cigarette and exhaled a thick plume of smoke. "It's not an easy decision," she said. "But as a mother, you have to do what you think is best for your child. Just remember that smoking is a personal choice and it's not easy to quit. And also, sometimes forbidding something makes it more appealing, especially for teens."

Karen nodded, taking in Emily's words. "I'll talk to Amy and try to understand where she's coming from," she said. "I just hope she sees the risks and makes the right decision."

Emily took a long drag from her cigarette, the tip glowing brightly as she exhaled a thick plume of smoke. "It's not easy being a parent," she said, her voice soft. "But you have to trust that Amy will make the right choices for herself."

Karen looked at Emily, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "But what if her choices are dangerous?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We can't control everything," Emily replied, her voice firm. "All we can do is support and guide them. Trust that they will make the right choices, even if they make mistakes along the way." She took another drag, and let the smoke come out of her mouth when she was talking with a soft smile, "Just be there for her, and she'll know she can come to you whenever she needs."

Karen nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude as she turned to leave. Karen watched her go, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. She knew that smoking was a dangerous habit, but she also knew that it was a choice that Amy had made for herself. And she was determined to support her daughter, no matter what.

As Emily walked into her house, the smell of cigarettes hit her nose. She followed the scent to the living room, where she found Amy sitting on the couch, a half-smoked Newport in her hand. The boys, David and Josh, were asleep in the makeshift beds set up in the corner of the room.

"Hey, you made it back," Amy said, looking up at Emily.

"Yeah," Emily replied, taking a seat next to her friend. "I had a chat with the moms. Elizabeth knows that Martha smokes and suspects that you and Clara do too."

Amy's face fell. "Shit," she said, taking a drag from her cigarette.

"Yeah, Karen will probably talk to you soon," Emily said, taking a drag from her cigarette. "But don't worry, I've got your back."

Amy looked up at Emily, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "How did it go when you told your mom you smoked?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Emily let out a sigh, her eyes flickering with memories. "It wasn't easy," she said, her voice rough with emotion. "My mom smoked, but she didn't want me to smoke. It was a shit show, but we managed."

Amy nodded, looking down at her cigarette. "Thanks for having my back," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Emily smiled, reaching out to give her friend's arm a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime," she said, taking another drag from her cigarette. "Now, finish this last smoke, and go back home with Josh. I don't want your mom thinking more bullshit than she already is."

Amy nodded, taking a final drag from her cigarette before stubbing it out. She gathered her things and said goodbye to Emily, promising to keep in touch. As she left, Emily couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She knew that the road ahead for Amy would be tough, but she also knew that her friend was strong enough to handle it. She finished her cigarette and went to bed, her mind swirling with thoughts of the future.


The morning sun shines through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on the table set for breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon fills the air, but the atmosphere is tense. Amy sits at the table, picking at her food as she glances nervously at the ashtray next to her plate. It's the one that Karen only brings out for visitors, as the family is non-smokers. Karen approaches, her eyes scanning Amy's face for any sign of guilt.

"Good morning, honey," Karen says, trying to keep her voice light.

"Morning," Amy mumbles, her eyes fixed on her plate.

Karen takes a seat across from her daughter, studying her closely. She has heard rumors that Amy has been smoking, and she wants to know if it's true. But she's not interested in making Amy quit right now, she just wants to understand what's going on.

"Everything okay, sweetie?" Karen asks, her voice soft.

Amy shrugs, "I'm fine."

Karen nods, taking a sip of her coffee. She's not sure what to say or how to broach the subject, so she decides to just come out and ask.

"Amy, have you been smoking?"

"No, mom. Of course not," Amy says, her voice rising in pitch. But as she sees the ashtray, she realizes it doesn't matter if her mother knows or not, and probably she already does. It gets to her teenage angst that yes, that ashtray is an accusation. This is not a friendly talk, this is an intervention. She 's pissed.

She takes a deep breath, wishing it was a drag from her cigarettes, and with a fierce determination she says, "Y'know what, fuck you, mom. I smoke. I do smoke and I'll continue to smoke if I want to. It's my body, my life," Amy says, her voice furious.

Karen's eyes widen as she takes in Amy's defiant words. "Wow. Calm down, sweetie."She remains calm, however, and speaks in a soft voice. "I don't believe you, Amy. I think you're just trying to rebel. I think this is just something to get attention from the crowd."

Amy's anger boils over as she stands up from the table, her chair scraping against the floor. "I'm not rebelling, mom. I'm smoking because I want to. It's my choice," she practically yells.

Karen takes a deep breath and slides the ashtray towards Amy. "Prove it," she says, her voice steady.

Amy's eyes widen in shock as she realizes what her mother is asking her to do. She's never smoked in front of her parents before, and the thought of doing it now makes her feel sick to her stomach. But she's also determined to prove that she's not just rebelling for the sake of it, and that she likes to smoke. Also, given the situation, she could use a cigarette now.

With shaking hands, Amy reaches for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She fumbles with the pack, her fingers barely able to hold onto it as she tries to pull out a cigarette. She takes a moment to steady herself before quickly flicking the lighter and bringing it to the cigarette. The end ignites with a small flame, and Amy takes a deep drag, her eyes closing as she savors the taste and the sensation of the smoke filling her lungs. She inhales as deeply as she can, the smoke filling her body and mind as she looks her mother in the eye.

Karen sits across from Amy, the smell of smoke and anger filling the air. She watches as her daughter inhales deeply, the smoke flowing through her lungs and out of her mouth in a cone-shaped exhale directly in her face.

"Like what you see now, do you?" Amy sneers, taking another hard drag.

Karen remains calm, her voice soft as she speaks. "I'm not here to judge you, Amy. I just needed to know if these rumors were true," she says, her eyes fixed on her daughter's face. "I used to smoke in high school, alongside your aunt Susan. But we both quit afterwards."

Amy's anger is visibly suppressed by her mother's words. Karen continues, "I know the appeal, Amy. But I need to know, are you serious about this? Are you serious about smoking?"

Amy nods, her voice quiet as she admits, "I am."

Karen nods, her mind made up. "Okay. I need to know, how are you getting your cigarettes? Are you stealing them like Martha does from her mother, Elizabeth?"

Amy shakes her head, "No, I bought this pack myself."

Karen nods, understanding. "Okay, I know what to do then."

Amy takes a shallow drag, eXhaling with her words, "And what is it, mom?", her tone afraid of what comes next.

"Yeah, I had a chat with Emily," Karen says, her voice firm. "And I know you're going to smoke no matter what, so I might as well make it safer for you."

Amy takes a deep drag from her cigarette, her hands shaking as she looks at her mother with confusion. "Wait, what? I can smoke?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

Karen nods, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, you can smoke. But there are some rules. You can smoke in your room, but not in other places in the house. And you can smoke on the streets, but it's better if you're not seen doing it," she says, her voice firm but kind.

Amy can't believe what she's hearing. She thought her mother would be furious, would ground her or something. But instead, her mother is being understanding and even supportive.

"And I'll talk to your dad, Howard, about it too," Karen continues.

Amy nods, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thanks, mom," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you, honey. I just want you to be happy," Karen says, her voice filled with love and concern.

Amy nods, reaching out to stub her cigarette in the ashtray. She takes one last deep drag and looks at her mother with gratitude. "Thanks, mom. I really appreciate it," she says, her voice sincere, and her words smokey.

Karen smiles, reaching out to take her daughter's hand. "I know it's hard being a teenager, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here to listen," she says, her voice warm and comforting.

Amy nods, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest. She knows that her mother is right, and that she's lucky to have her support. And with that, she finishes her breakfast and starts her day, feeling a sense of peace and understanding that she never thought she would find.


Martha and Clara sit on a fallen tree, the woods behind their school providing a secluded spot for them to smoke. The topic of conversation was no one other than: their moms discovered their smoking. And it was not the same outcome for every girl.

Martha takes a long drag from her cigarette, exhaling with a satisfied sigh. "Yo, Clara, my mom's so cool, man. She's like, 'Do whatever you want, just be safe about it'."

Clara takes a drag from her cigarette, her expression bitter. "Yeah, that's not my mom," she says, her voice tight. "She grounded me for at least four months. I had to beg and plead just to be able to play our gig tonight."

Martha shakes her head in disbelief. "Damn, that sucks, Clara. My mom even smoked with me this morning over coffee. It was tight," she says, her voice filled with excitement.

Clara shrugs, taking another drag from her cigarette. "Yeah, well, my mom's a whole different story. She's always been strict, you know? But whatever, I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it," she says, her voice resigned.