27 Blowjobs

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Sam learns of the history between his mother and grandfather.
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This is part 1 of a 2 part series so there will be a sequel in the not too distant future I hope!



The weather wasn't exactly unbearable. We were still in early June but in southern Spain that still meant we were touching 26 degrees celsius and with little shade coverage this side of the church, the sun beat down on my neck fiercely. The suit wasn't exactly helping either but funerals rarely came with alternate attire options.

Mum was composing herself well. A big problem with being an only child is that responsibility falls on you in these circumstances and arrangements had been difficult given we lived a few hours flight away. Some of my grandfather's siblings had been a big help and taken care of the initial onslaught of obligations while mum and I found a flight back to her homeland. She had been a wreck since she found out about her father's passing but she was back in control today, staying strong for me and everyone else who required it.

The loss of my abuelo had been tough to take. We knew he was ill but we were expected to have much longer with him still around. Sometimes life is a bitch and you don't get that, and the shock of the sudden turn in his health had knocked us all for six. He was an interesting man, a little mysterious at times and quite reclusive in his later years but I always made my way out here to see him at least once a year and he would always show me genuine love and he was always so keen to show me the city in which my mother had grown up.

My mum's from Seville, the capital of Andalucía in the south of Spain. It was clear this was still the home of her heart, even if she had spent more of her life in London. She moved over at 19 to study, met my dad and the rest is history. My grandfather had moved to Cádiz on the coast in recent years to relax and paint his life away and he had a place there that mum and I were staying in, but the funeral itself was happening in Seville where he would be buried with his parents.

Dad was here too, despite the impending divorce. I thought it was good of him to show up and support mum through this, especially given he had a conference to attend the following day that he had already given me the go ahead to miss. He would fly out later in the evening and try and catch some sleep on the flight before covering for me over the next day or two.

You would be forgiven for assuming I was a daddy's boy. I love my dad and he's a good man, but there were a few quirks in each of our personalities that never quite meshed. I still followed his career path, attending the same university and nepotism babying my way into his sports conditioning field. We worked alongside athletes around the globe ensuring perfection in training and muscle conditioning to extend peaks and avoid injury. I still had to do my masters before I could start making real money out of this, but it was already proving to be the right decision to just copy dad and coast on his success. Now don't get me wrong I am very good at my job but it's still been a lot easier for me than it would had been for others. Working alongside dad was enough for the both of us, and we rarely socialised outside of the office these days.

All of that leads me back to mum. I am a mummy's boy that much is for certain. I didn't have too much of a choice. She has doted on me since I can remember and provided me with all the love and warmth I could have asked for in a hundred lifetimes. I loved having a fiery Spaniard for a mother, especially when she defended me with her life after childish fights in school. She was incredibly passionate about her loves in life, which mostly consisted of reading, the cinema and me. She was a novelist too, achieving consistent success over the last decade. She also ensured I supported Spain in international football, meaning I'd had the fucking time of my life from 2008 to 2012 and annoyed all my classmates and friends and especially dad about it.

The service went by without a hitch. It was quite lovely with a few touching speeches from friends and family. A couple of them were in Spanish and I only know the basics but they sounded hilarious, and thankfully we were now on the other side of the church and protected from the sun as we said some final farewells.

Next up was a small gathering at one of my great aunt's, mostly so mum and I could catch up with more of the family. I was pretty close with a few of my cousins despite the distance so stuck around them while mum dealt with the brunt of the crowd. My Spanish cousins are olive skinned and all of them are gorgeous, guy and girl alike. I was almost jealous that they were full blooded while I got the half-blood paleness of dad thrown in. Maybe I would catch a tan during our stay here at least.

"Marisol." I heard my mum's name often, before the Spanish language took over and the rest of the conversation slipped on by. This time it was dad. "I'm going to head out. I need to be at the airport in the next hour or so."

The two of them were still friendly and that would soon work to my benefit. "Well thank you for coming. Can I ask a favour from you?" mum asked.

"Of course. What is it?" replied dad.

"Would it be okay if Samuel took some more time off work? I want him to stay with me here for at least a week while I sort some things out." Mum's accent seemed a little stronger than usual, and it was clear she was slipping back into her comfort zone. I had turned to face them now, but didn't want it to seem like I had asked mum to do this for me so I showed the surprise on my face that she was asking at all.

Dad looked my way and then back to his future ex-wife, before shrugging. "Sure. If it's going to help things run smoothly. Take your time and message me when you're heading back."

I could assure dad of that much at least. I even offered to do some work from my laptop if he sent any over, just to prove I wasn't relishing more time off during a busy period for the company. He left soon after and I made my way to mum, partly to thank her.

"You just bought me a few more days in the sun." I lightly teased. I knew there were more important things than a tan, but I knew mum would take it well.

"You won't like it when I have you cleaning out papa's garage. He was a bit of a hoarder." she teased right back.

I had the feeling I could manage a bit of a clear out until I remembered the heat. "Are you still thinking about selling up?" I asked her, but she didn't have an answer yet. On the flight over she had suggested that selling abuelo's new place in Cadiz would be worthwhile but I had tried to convince her that it would be a perfect second home for her. It was already paid off and it's not like her work requires her to be in London year round. In fact with the divorce pending I even questioned whether she could move back here permanently. Maybe she would be happier here and I would be glad to visit year round. It's not like I wanted her gone but there was less holding her in England than there used to be.

Mum would be driving us back to Cadiz later so she wasn't drinking and I only had a couple of bottles myself. I didn't want to get myself too worked up and end up finding a bar with my cousins and then end up annoying mum the next day when I was too hungover to help out with all the odd jobs that needed doing. She had already bagged me a longer break from work so the least I could do was help out when she required me.

All in all it was a good send off. I still felt for mum. She had lost both of her parents now after losing her own mother when she was a teenager. Abuelo never replaced his wife either. She sounded like a hell of a woman in her own right, and it was a shame I never got to know her. I caught mum staring at the solitary family photo of the three of them left on her aunt's mantelpiece a few times. I had a similar one in my wallet of me and my parents from a trip back here when I was young. Families break apart in different ways and even with my parents now split, I would always cherish that photo.

The drive home was quiet. I just felt as if mum was tired of talking and needed some time in her own head. I had promised some of the cousins I would be back up to Seville to hang out some more if we weren't too busy dealing with abuelo's estate. Towards the end of the ride mum reached over and put her hand on my knee. She gave it a squeeze, but never took her eyes off the road. "Thanks for all the help so far." she said, ever so gently.

"Don't mention it. There's nowhere else I would rather be." I replied honestly. I was sure she didn't doubt it.

"I want to talk to you when we get back. Take a shower and come and meet me out by the pool."

"Whatever you need." I reached my hand over and patted her thigh a couple of times, over the fabric of her black dress. I really wanted her to know I was here for her no matter what. We had always had a very open relationship when talking about our emotions even if those emotions were usually mine. But with the recent split and the sudden loss of her dad, mum needed to know I would do anything to provide the same for her.

"I need you to prepare yourself because I am going to tell you something nobody knows. It will change how you see me but I want you to know how much I love you and how important you are to me." She spoke candidly, but again her eyes never turned to face me even for a second.

"You can tell me now if you want to get it out of the way."

"No... no." she replied, and it felt as if she might cry. "We'll talk when we're back."

I agreed silently, and the rest of the drive was even quieter than it had been.

Abuelo had a stunning villa not far from La Caleta beach in the north. It was full of character and colour, full to the brim with his artwork and utensils and the bare canvases he had not yet put into use. There was a pool out back, with a shallow tanning ledge installed and a few deckchairs dotted about. It looked less lived in than the inside of his place so I assumed he barely used it.

I jumped in the shower before putting on some swimming trunks and a light coloured t-shirt. It was still evening time and the sun was out until late, so if we were going to be sat in the back then there was no need to put my pyjamas on just yet. Mum hadn't changed and I'm not convinced she had moved since we got back. She was staring into space when I arrived to greet her, before sitting on the deckchair beside her and lounging back. I had underestimated the time a little, and the light was starting to dim.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, before a tense silence. This really wasn't like her. I had tried not to overthink what she said earlier, as unusual as it was. She had told me she loved me and that would surely override anything else she could feasibly tell me. The idea that my view of her could change negatively was impossible.

"I'm okay, Sam." she finally uttered a response. "I don't want to mess you around so I'm going to be honest from the start, but I hope you'll hear me out and try and understand everything I am saying."

"Sure. I guess." I said. I wished I could offer more assurance but she was freaking me out a little bit.

"I had..." she started, but it seemed this wasn't scripted and she hesitated as she tried to find the words. "I want to tell you about me and my father. We had-" She stopped herself again and sighed heavily and I could see how heavy her chest felt when she tried to compose herself.

"You can tell me anything." I said, providing more assurance than I had the last time I spoke.

"We had an adult relationship." she said. It was a polite way to reveal it, but I instantly understood. I could see why she was hesitating to get it out, but at the same time I had no idea why she needed to tell me in the first place. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing. She didn't owe it to me or anyone to reveal that. "It's difficult to explain but things changed when mamá died."

She seemed relieved to have it out, and I watched her eyes close for a moment as she looked up at the sky above us. It was an insane reveal. I guess she hid it well, but maybe that's easy when you live in different countries. I didn't think it made me look at her differently. I hope not anyway. I wasn't exactly someone who truly understood the depths of incest, but I had enjoyed the porn on occasion.

I didn't know what to say, but thankfully she spoke first. "I was in love with him. He was the first person I truly loved." Her voice had gotten a little louder and now with the big reveal out she was growing in confidence to speak about it and tell me the story of her and her father. "Before my mother died she told me to look after him because he wouldn't take it as well as he pretended he would. I don't think she expected me to do what I did. But I fell for him. Over many months of mourning we attached ourselves to each other in a way that I cannot explain."

I was quite mesmerized by each and every word. She was sinking deeper into the story and as weird and surprising as it still was, I wanted to hear it. "I have to take the blame. I fell for him first. I changed my behavior. I changed the way I dressed and behaved in front of him. Maybe he thought I was just becoming a woman and finding my sexuality and confidence but in reality it was all for him. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to replace my mother."

"He fought against it for a while when it became difficult to deny, but clearly he was feeling something similar to me." She turned to me. It was the first time she had looked at me since I sat down, but it was brief. She stared back into the distance as she continued on. "I think we fell in love long before anything happened between us. He was trying to be a good father and turn me away but I was very sexy so it was hard to say no." She laughed to herself and I didn't know whether to join in. She was a stunning lady even to this day, but pictures of her back then would stop anyone in their tracks. She was probably exaggerating and making light of the situation a little bit. Easing some tension. But she was surely right about it as well. It's a lot harder to say no to someone so captivatingly beautiful.

"There was this one night when we both felt sad so I told him we were going out. I put on this white dress. It was a maxi dress. It was his favourite one of my dresses. It was soft and thin and it was so warm even though it was so late so I wore nothing underneath it. We ended up running around the city all night, drinking in bars, singing at karaoke, eating any street food we could find and just living in the moment and feeling happy together. We danced in one of those water fountain light shows they had in the city centre. He would chase me around while we got soaked and I teased him about seeing my body through my dress when it was wet. I thought he was going to change the subject but he kissed me in public and we finally got to express our love for each other."

She seemed free now and nothing was holding her back. I was sat perfectly still, refusing to move or speak and knock her off her rhythm. I was completely fascinated and didn't want this to end.

"We both ran barefoot through the streets and the only time we stopped was to kiss. I didn't know what would happen after but it was incredible to experience my only desire. We were kissing against the entrance to a mechanic shop when the door pushed through and we realised it had been left open. I think dad knew the owner so he planned to close it properly but I was excited and I kept kissing him when we were inside. We had some privacy so I had to take advantage of it. I remember that room so well. There was a red Toyota with two of the doors removed and it smelled like oil and smoke and it wasn't the prettiest place to be intimate but it was a lot close than home was. I sat him down on a chair in the corner and sat on his lap so we could kiss more. I could feel how much he wanted me and I can still see the look on his face when I told him I was going to give him a blowjob."

My eyes must have been bulging out of my head at that point. I never expected any of this to come out but even after finding the reveal fascinating in some ways I certainly didn't expect the detail. I tilted my neck ever so slightly to watch her. She seemed lost in the moment, reliving one of the most incredible moments of her life. She was probably telling me so much more than she planned but it was thrilling and I was hooked.

"I was quite inexperienced but there's a difference between giving a good blowjob and making love to a cock. I used my mouth on him and I made love to his cock. It was the most unbelievable feeling when I looked up and our eyes met each other for the first time. I knew he felt the same way as me and the feeling of making him cum for the first time was the most beautiful and powerful I have ever felt. My dress got so dirty on the floor of that place. There were oil stains that soaked through to my knees. It was the best night of my life and maybe it was the best night we ever shared."

For a short while it was quiet. Maybe she had run out of things to say or she was beginning to regret sinking so deep into her experiences with her dad. She didn't seem tense though so it was only really me. I was probably just nervous that her story had turned me on and I was now tasked with pretending it happened and trying to assure her nothing needed to change and I wasn't going to change how I looked at her.

"We weren't together for very long." she said. It might have been a full two minutes since anything was said but she was back for a bit more. "Papá was quite strict about how our relationship was allowed to continue. He carried more guilt that me because he was the parent. I often felt that he was less guilty about being intimate with his daughter and more guilty about being disloyal to his wife, even if she was gone. I was also in it forever at the time. I wanted to be his next wife and love him to the end and he couldn't accept that. So we ended it and I moved away and we saw each other less and less. We were still close but there has to be a distance after something like that."

"I understand you may have a lot of questions and maybe I will have more I forgot to tell you but that is the truth and I wanted to be honest with you because you deserve to know." That sounded like her wrapping up the story to me so for the first time in a while I needed to show some initiative and find words of my own.

"I don't know exactly what to say but my first thought is just making sure you know this changes nothing for me. You are my mum and I love you. I wouldn't ever think badly of you for being in love. I don't think you needed to tell me at all though."

"You needed to know Sam. It's only fair you know everything." she told me and it briefly made me ponder a scary question.

"Wait." I said suddenly. "Can I ask you something? Is abuelo my father?"

Mum shook her head, turning to me and stifling what seemed like a laugh. "No, don't you worry about that. This is impossible for a lot of reasons, not least of all because we never had sex. But our relationship was short and we were only intimate when I was 18. Then I left to study in London and met your father and you were born when I was 22."

It was a silly question I suppose given she said it was brief and I was only 22, but it was the main reason I could think of as to why she needed me to know about something that happened over 25 years ago. I was surprised to learn they never had sex as well, but I didn't feel like I needed to know why at that point. Nor was I brave enough to ask.

"I still loved your father and we had a good life together until the last few years. I don't want you to think I have spent my life wishing my father had let me love him forever. I don't regret it ending at all because then I wouldn't have you. You were the only thing that could have made me happier and every day since you have made my life perfect." she assured me. I hadn't actually thought about that yet but it surely would have crossed my mind at some point. It was nice to know I was a valid replacement at least.