3 In Hong Kong


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She tensed, her eyes both clinched tight, her knees quivered against my sides. She twerked her ass up and down and I helped as best I could, having no hope of matching her pace. I just selected every third or forth motion and thrust up into her and pulled her ass down onto my cock. Two or three of those and she bucked into a full-fledged orgasm. Her head bobbed, making her black hair flail around her head, flying up and out as though it were alive, like Medusa's snakes. Her face screwed up into a grimace and she grunted as her ass rapped out its rhythm on my thighs.

She screamed again and this time sat back onto my cock, settling all of her weight onto it. Her hands left my chest and she folded them around her head, twisting it and the upper third of her torso axially while she ground us together. Inside her, her pussy molded around my cock and then flinched and twitched. That motion massaged my cock. I waited until she broke her oxygen fast and gasped into a torrential pant. I reached up and pulled her down by the shoulders. While she was yet confused by what I was doing, I rolled her onto her back. She growled. Her hips bucked under me, rooting my cock far into her pussy. The power of her motion lifted me a little but when I rose up between her legs and slammed down into her, she bucked again and more strongly. Up and down I hammered into the slight woman. Her hands were claws on my shoulders. She left red lines there with her nails, too. For days afterward, wearing any shirt reminded me of the moment of ecstasy when Ting-a-Ling came under me. Her legs rose around me and locked behind my thighs. Her hand pulled at my shoulders.

When I resisted her pull, for her own good, I would insist, she rose up under me and found my mouth with hers and kissed me even while I fucked her. She gasped and kissed, gasped and kissed, holding herself up with her torso muscles and her little grappling hooks latched onto my shoulders. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and bore her to the bed. Her body pulsed under me. She used her heels to walk her legs up to lock around my waist. That tilted her pussy up so I was descending in a much more vertical manner, like and elevator in its shaft. I felt it, thundering down into her while she hissed and moaned and then finally screamed, shaking loose my lips from hers to cry out in Chinese, things I didn't understand but certainly couldn't mistake. Her whole body rippled with orgasm, bucking and jerking under me.

My orgasm roared out of the depths of hell or the heights of heaven and I flooded into her. She was howling constantly by then. I'd lost my mind and was consequently mindlessly hammering into her but since she was lashed onto me with her legs, I could only lift her and slam her against the bed. My orgasm welled up and flowed into her, filling her with cum even as she went stiff. Her body froze around me, turning into brittle brass. She bucked once, exhaled and then cried out and collapsed. Her legs released and she dropped off of me like I was shedding the breastplate of a coat of armor.

I toppled down beside her, panting heavily.

"Jesus, now I'm jealous." Anna whispered beside me. I opened one eye. This time she used the Caucasian inflection.

"Jealous Jesus." I muttered mindlessly.

I lay there till I got my breath. I felt Ting move and opened my eyes. She was leaning over me, her face aglow. She leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. She said something in Chinese and then smiled widely.

"What?" I whispered.

"I said, you bird love my nest." Ting tittered, giggling close behind the words.

I smiled with half of my face. She kissed me again. She was reaching for my dewy cock so I sat up and stood. I walked into the bathroom, did my toilet and cleaned off my equipment. Take good care of your equipment and it'll take good care of you. I opened the door and nearly had a heart attack.

Anna had turned Ting on the bed and was eating her with some great energy. Ting lay on the bed, her head turned, her arms out wide. Anna's blonde curls bounced and wavered between the slight woman's legs. Ting looked nervous, perhaps a little scared. I shut the bathroom light and Ting's head rose up. She peered past Anna's head at me. Her eyes did flutter once then but otherwise she gave no indication that Anna was reaching her.

Anna certainly reached me, I'll tell you. Seeing the blonde woman licking and kissing between the slight Chinese legs gave me instant wood. Hell, I think it was quick drying cement. I was hard in a moment. I never once considered the affect of my next action on anyone else. Suddenly I was a guy with a private fantasy right there before me. I'd always wanted to fuck a woman who was eating another woman. I don't think I did but I swear I felt like I was sliding into home plate I moved so fast. That might have been my imagination because I had to lift Anna's hips to get her ass off her heels.

She knew immediately what was about to happen and her compliance and willing contribution to my fantasy made it that much sweeter. She got to her knees, which bent her neck but that did not deter her in the least. She felt me cuddling up to her wondrous ass and I heard her hum deep inside. It wasn't a tune exactly but some sort of communication that managed to be in two part harmony, which is an accomplishment for one voice.

When I felt between her legs, she widened her stance. That was all the encouragement I needed. I found her pussy, probed for the main thoroughfare and reconnoitered with my finger. She still bubbled. I rose up behind her, directed my cock to her pussy and entered her. I slid into her completely and immediately. She was slick with enthusiasm and welcome. Her fine ass bunched between us, a lush cushion with its own sensual wonder. I gripped her hips, drew back and slapped us together. Her body shook like it was buffeted by a wrecking ball, or maybe two. I pulled back and slammed into her again. She rocked forward, losing her place in her perusal of Ting's braille.

"God, yes, fuck me!" Anna cried.

Ting rose up, planting her hands behind her, and stared down the expanse of Anna's back at me ensconced behind the crouched blonde like a counselor behind the throne. I was jackhammering into Anna with great force and regularity. Her body responded by dismissing the smooth slickness and turning into a velvet vise that clamped down on my cock while I stirred it around inside her and then lost the fight to keep me doing so when I pulled back. Back and then into her hard and deep I fucked the blonde woman. After a while she lay her head on Ting's thigh and just panted.

That was when Ting grasped a wad of her blonde hair and twisted Anna's face back between her legs. Moments later, Ting cried out, her hips bucking up at Anna's face. To my great surprise, Ting's sudden orgasm precipitated one of my own. I ground against Anna's ass, bunching it up between us. I hesitated and focused for a moment on the firm feel of her ass scrunched up against me. I wiggled my ass a little, thinking I was going to tickle and tease Anna a little but instead I tickled and teased me. My body responded to the feel of the woman mounted on my cock. In that brief moment of hesitation, she rippled inside, sending shock waves of pleasure out of her pussy and through the furtherest reaches of my body, even to the ends of my hair. I swear it all stood up. That orgasm appeared like a shadow in the night and exploded behind my eyes with dazzling intensity. I must have cried out. It was so intense, so strong that I felt my body suddenly go all fizzy, and I felt like I was floating, a soap bubble of pleasure in an erotic cloud.

I pumped cum into Anna again and she realized I was coming. She lifted her head from Ting's pussy.

"Again? So soon!"

Ting had collapsed back onto the bed by now and lay huffing and puffing. I think she could have kept a beach ball suspended above her lips. I hit the end of my orgasmic tether. I bucked once and collapsed over Anna's back. She tensed to hold me up and that willingness to be the brace beguiled me to just relax altogether. I reached around her body, found a tit with each hand and cupped them.

Anna hummed around my hands. I swear I felt it, her hum, like a tingling on my skin rather than as a sound. I lay still for a moment and then backed my cock out of Anna's body. She sighed as I vacated her pussy. I staggered to my feet and returned to the bathroom. I repeated my ritual and stared at myself in the mirror for a moment.

"God, I am fucking two gorgeous women at the same time! Can this get any better?"

That last question demonstrates my distinct lack of imagination. Holy shit.

I exited the WC and by god if Anne wasn't laying on the bed and Ting was crouched between her legs. Anna looked over at me.

"I'm a science experiment." Anna said, her voice replete with wry amusement. "She said she wanted to taste your cum before she sucked your cock."

By god if that didn't rouse my cock up again. I swear. I am not usually all that excited about a blow job. I like the pussy mounted on the end of my cock. This had an effect I had not expected and never collected on.

As if sensing I had returned, Ting got to her knees between Anna's legs.

"I think she wants you to fuck her." Anna said, in the same tone. "Maybe it'll inspire her."

I admired the thought. I thought it was a noble and virtuous idea. Since I had wood, again, I followed that intuition. I knew Ting knew what was happening because when I was next to the bed, she wagged her ass back and forth as though daring me to fuck her. I took the dare.

Entering her on her knees was utterly different. She was tight and cramped. I worked my cock into her body a little at a time. Something had happened, something had changed and I could not imagine that Anna's tongue had tightened her up. What do I know? This was empirically true, not beholden to any theory of pussy, tongue and cock. It took me a couple minutes to work my cock back into Ting's crouching body. Meanwhile she seemed to find inspiration mounted on the end of my cock. I say this because Anna began to pant a little. Once I caught her grimacing, clinching her eyes closed and arching her tits. She rearranged herself and clutched her own tits, pinching the nipples and massaging them with her hands. Ting came up for air, noticed Anna massaging her own tits and moved her little hands up to help. The two women worked together at Anna's tits. Ting's pussy relaxed. Ann'a breath deepened and turned into robust panting. Suddenly she grunted and her body went rigid. Her hands clutched Ting's little hands against her tits.

"Oh god, I think, I think, goddamn I am coming with a woman's tongue in me!" Anna's voice began sounding normal but ended with a little shrieking serif at the end. "Oh, oh, oh god, again!" She cried out.

I was so excited, seeing Anna come, I got carried away and banged Ting out of her place between Anna's legs. Ting lifted her head and grunted each time I slammed deep into her. Her little body shook with my impact against her or perhaps it was the penetration by my cock inside her, but I am trying to be modest. I was trotting along at a nice pace, feeding a mile of cock into Ting's tight pussy when suddenly she grunted and shucked me out and off of her. For a nonplussed moment I thought I'd been rejected but Ting shouldered in beside Anna, scooting Anna to one side of the bed.

I knelt between Anna's ankles, staring at the two nude women of such different dimensions laying side by side on the bed. Finally, Ting sat up.

"What you wait for?" She asked. "Fuck us both. First her, then me. Kiss, fuck, fuck, kiss." She left most of the meaning out of her words but I understood good enough. Ting was a little wild woman. Her hair seemed to float around her head, like she was possessed.

She stayed sitting up while I shuffled forward, up between Anna's legs. Anna just lay still, like she was waiting to be used. I entered her and she exhaled, gasping around the erotic sensations wafting around her. Ting lay down.

"Now kiss." She said.

Just to be a butt, I kissed Anna. Anna shook me away.

"I think she means her."

I guess if you are planted balls deep in a woman's pussy it really doesn't matter if she talks to you like she thinks you're stupid. I certainly didn't care. I did, however, kiss Anna till she was breathless. I gripped her by the ass and slammed into her over and over again. Petty? Perhaps, but when I did release her and canted over to kiss Ting, Anna orgasmed. I felt her meet it. Her breath caught and caught and caught, like she just couldn't get her breath and then she went silent. I thrust into her, tilted sideways so I could cradle Ting's head with my elbow and kiss her. Ting was ravenous. She kissed me hard, then pulled at my lower lip with her teeth. I pulled away, sat up and changed rides. I knee stepped from between Anna's full thighs, to between Ting's luxurious rails leading to her pussy. I pointed my cock at her pussy and she opened up like a flower, her flower bloomed and accepted my stinger, pollinating her to make honey of us both. I slid into her without passing goal even once.

Ting came the moment I bottomed out in her. It seemed that she got off on the idea of being fucked along with another woman. I pumped her for a couple minutes. By now I was virtually certain that I could fuck for a while and not make another mess. When I leaned over to kiss Anna, she shivered and kissed me back. I bent lower and sucked her tit into my mouth, released it and moved to the upper slope and sucked hard on it, marking it. Anna arched under me, moaning and gasping as I sucked at the firm flesh of her breast. I bruised her.

Back to Anna I went.

I knee walked back to Anna, feeling her body quivering around me. I positioned my cock and thrust into her. She groaned as I penetrated her body. Her hips rose, enveloping me. I swear her pussy swallowed, for ripples of tension ran from one end of my cock to the other and back again once I was seated deep in her body. She shuddered. Her hiss was ravenous also and when I entered her, Anna came too. I tried to kiss her but she turned her head to the side, arching under me. Her hips ground up at me. Her hands extended above her head. Her legs hooked behind my knees, holding me in place. I kissed at her neck but then I twisted off her and kissed Ting. Ting kissed me back with tongue and lips. I released her mouth and moved down her spare torso. She sighed and went still. I sucked first one nipple then the other. She sighed and gasped. Back and forth I went while pumping between Anna's legs.

"Fuck Ting. Fuck Ting!" Ting cried suddenly.

I withdrew from Anna's sloshing depths and got between Ting's legs. She lay, her head tilted up so I could see her neck, graceful and clean. I had a terrible urge to mare it. I mounted her. She keened. I pulled her little body up the slope of my knees as I sat between her legs, pulling her fully onto my cock. Anna sat up, twisted and kissed Ting on the mouth. If I was going to come again, that moment would have done it. Anna sat back. She looked at me.

"Fuck her, fuck her hard and good, make her come!" Her voice vibrated with intensity.

I lay down on Ting. She arched her neck again and I believe she was offering me her neck. I kissed the side of her face but she didn't turn her head. I kissed to her ear, her long black hair swirled around us. I kissed down to her long, vibrant neck. I was inside her, so had to arch my back to latch onto her neck. I did. Ting's hips lurched under me. She planted her hands beside us and her ass peppered me over and over with little chirps of motion. I held fast to her lean neck, marring it with a large, dark hickey. Ting groaned and then screamed. Her body shook under me, fighting for oxygen her mind refused to seek and capture. I continued to grind between her legs. She groaned and came again. The orgasms began to roll through her one after the other. When I released her neck, she turned her head as if offering me the other side of her neck. She began to pant and then to keen, finally screaming with such passion that Anna coverer her mouth with a hand. Ting bucked under me, fighting and thrusting herself onto my cock, grinding against me and jerking through orgasm after orgasm.

Still I fucked her. Even while she lay still as sunset, I pounded into her little pussy, now ropy with use. Her eyes opened. She patted my ass with one hand.

"You fuck Anna now." She whispered. The words barely emerged from her lips but I swear I heard them.

I dismounted from her. She sighed and curled up beside us. I mounted Anna. She pulled me immediately into a kiss. Anna lifted her legs and wrapped me up in them. I grasped her full ass in both hands and galloped towards heaven. She broke the kiss and hung on, grunting as I fucked her. I shifted my hands under her full ass, clinching each cheek firmly and tightly as I hammered down into her. I thrust hard and fast, occasionally hesitating to grind our bodies together, my pubic bone kissing her with the same intense passion I kissed her mouth with. She moaned and muttered between kisses, turning her head to look at Ting, who ignored us, knotted up into a sensuous ball beside us. I thundered into Anna's voluptuous body.

My orgasm arrived. I felt like I was handing over my spine. When it broke, I clinched my eyes and surrendered, not even trying to attenuate the pleasure. If I had, I am sure I'd have died, happy but dead would have been my fate. As it was, I pumped cum into her for about two seconds and then I was empty. The night fell on me like a brick wall and I went out. I woke to darkness. I remembered collapsing beside Anna, with Ting on the other side of us. I woke to darkness and Anna's plush body. I cuddled up to her and she stirred in her sleep. We tangled up with each other and went back to sleep, on hand cupping her breast, huddled against her back.

I woke to an empty room. I felt the emptiness like a draught of cold air. I noted my message light was on, on the house phone. I got up, showered, shaved and went down. Anna had left a message that she'd be back about one and we could go to Wanchai for the day. Anna loved visiting strip joints. I wondered if she was cruising for another threesome but that never happened. She was leaving that night and asked me ride with her to the airport.

I understood why. She had more baggage than an orchestra. I helped her load it into the taxi. She had to sit on my lap in the back seat. She explained she had a big family and had to buy gifts and then a whole other set of luggage to transport it all back to Texas. She kissed me nearly the whole way to the airport. I helped her unload, piling it all onto a cart. The taxi awaited me but I wanted to ask one question and did.

"What did Ting say to you? To get you to, you know, join us?"

Anna looked at me and smiled. "She said she was leaving today to go get married. She said she wanted to have animal sex, my words, with a man and a woman, just to see what it was like before she joined you. I took her to the airport this morning to go to his city in northern China. He is older, and she didn't love him but she was pregnant. She just wanted one night to relive for the rest of her life."

Anna smiled.

"Mission accomplished, I think. Ting told me to tell you, you a sweet man and she loved your bird." Anna laughed. "I did to, Gunder. Thanks for making my time in Hong Kong so memorable."

She left me then, all tongue tied and sad. I'd thought to "see" Ting after Anna left but now I knew I'd not see her again. Oh, what a night!

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Marklynda2Marklynda2almost 2 years ago

Ah the joys of international cooperation to achieve a common objective!

Absolutely perfect story! Well thought out and written with believable and sexy female characters (oh well, I guess Gunner was sexy to the women too, lol) I compliment you and your Muse for your imagination and creative skills. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
One of the most well-written and interest stories I have ever read here.

What a tremendous story.

Usually I skip boring parts, but I read every word of this piece.

Thank you for writing this, @Contrasting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story

Good character description, realistic plot. Suburb job.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 5 years ago

The Hong Kong references rang true except the hotels track visitors better and call the room if they think you've snuck someone in. Also you kept switching from the correct usage of blonde to the incorrect blond (used for men) randomly. Using the Find function to search and replace the incorrect word would have improved the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Holy shit, that was hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story very hot!!!!

I loved the contrast of the busty blonde and the exotic small asians i wish more stories were written like this their should be a sequal!!!! It was very hot!!!

ishtatishtatalmost 8 years ago

Well crafted and told but lacking something I cannot put my finger on. It seemed almost autobiographical, founded in real experience - the local knowledge was very effectively used. I felt that the character of the Chinese woman was an actual woman the author knew.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Holy shit! Fuck me!

God, I miss having threesomes so much. Getting fucked by a big and hard dick from behind while licking a wet lusty pussy, Heavenly. Your story made my pussy wet and hot. Anna sounds so fuckable. I need one of her to eat out that sweet, wet, horny and lusty pussy of mine.

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