A Battle of Minds Ch. 05


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The queen let her gaze sweep over the naked masses in front of her: Men and women, young and old, slender and sturdy -- well-built and less well-built bodies with tanned or pale skin, some with freckles; some entirely shaved and others hairy. A mild smile crossed the queen's face. They were all her subjects, and she loved them all, no matter what they looked like. Well, almost all of them. Still, she had to chose, and of course it would be unbefitting for a queen, if she was seen with anyone less than perfect. Thus, the queen selected the man and the woman most pleasing to her eyes. Two tall young people, with smooth, soft skin and shiny hair. The woman's breasts were perfect orbs, more than what was needed to fill one hand and yet just small enough to not look unnatural on her slender body. The man was muscular, but not exaggeratedly so, and he was -- this had been the queen's main motivation for choosing him -- very well endowed.

Yes, she nodded to herself, as the two of them once more climbed the little staircase to join their queen on the stage. Yes, they are the best ones. Their first task was to take off her royal robes for her.

Then Laura stood naked in front of her subjects. Her pale skin was almost gleaming in the bright sun light, her soft curves showing the improvement her life had experienced during this last year -- though she was still slender. Instantly, the people gathered in front of the stage started cheering and applauding loudly. The man and woman she had selected out of the crowd were still standing on the stage, flanking their queen each to one side. The queen now allowed them to turn towards her, look at her royal body. Then she first pulled the man closer, kissing him tenderly to the cheers of her audience. After that she turned to the woman, who she kissed more deeply. This was the command the people of Leskow had waited for: They all turned to the people standing next to them, no matter whether they were close friends or even relatives, or complete strangers, and started exchanging fervent kisses.

The queen let go of the woman and went to settle down on the majestic throne that was standing on the stage. This seat had been built just for that day; it was decorated with gold and gem stones, and made more comfortable by silk cushions.

The man and the woman both stood silently where the queen left them, looking down to the masses below the stage. They watched the people kissing each other, and watched how a small sign of the queen let their kisses grow wilder, hungrier. Soon each of the people started to touch anyone they could reach, stroking their skin, searching for their sex. The people moved closer together, rubbing their skin against that of their neighbor; soon their bodies were glistening with sweat. No one seemed to care whether the recipient of their affections was a man or a woman, a friend or a relative.

The queen spread her legs, and the young woman on the stage turned away from the people. Instead, she knelt down in front of her queen and touched her lips to her sex. Laura could feel the warmth of her breath before the soft lips of the woman touched her and then parted. The girl's tongue found her queen's pearl of lust, circled it carefully, and then started flicking against it more resolutely.

A wave of pleasure seemed to crash over Laura. Yet it was only partly caused by the girl's skillful attentions -- rather, it was the view in front of the stage that made her breath increase: Everywhere on the meadow, the inhabitants of Leskow eagerly started to copy their queen. Hundreds of men were hiding their heads between the legs of whichever woman they found nearest to them, and just as many women were willingly accepting into their mouths whichever cock they had the best access to; and in just as many cases women were eagerly licking other women, or men receiving other men into their mouths.

Even though they were outdoors and a fresh breeze was blowing over the meadow, the air was heavy with the smell of sex and sweat. The heat rising up from the heaving mass of bodies was palpable, and the queen had difficulties telling where one body ended and the next one started. In fact, not even the people on the meadow themselves seemed to know or care whose body, whose arms or hands or breasts or pussies or cocks they were touching. Randomly they reached out for whatever parts of any other human they could reach, only driven by the desire to touch, to knead, to suck, to lick, to rub their own skin against human flesh.

While the girl up on the stage continued kneeling in front of the queen, licking and sucking eagerly, the young man stepped closer to her. Standing behind the kneeling girl, he reached for her behind with his large hands, starting to knead the cheeks thoroughly and giving them a well measured slap every now and then. Laura could tell that his hands were strong, and she saw tremors going through the girl's body every now and then. After a while, the man's fingers began searching for the young woman's sex, and soon started pushing into the warm, moist cave. Laura watched all of this, her eyes bright with fascination.

The young woman moaned against the queen's sex, but she did not allow the man to distract her from her task. She concentrated on the royal treasure, spending all her attentions to the little diamond on top, which she licked and sucked with dedication. She did not let go, even as the man's cock entered her in one heavy thrust, letting yet another tremor shake her body. The queen was sure to not only see this tremor, not only feel the girl's head vibrating against her womanhood -- but feel everything inside herself, as if the body of the girl was just an extension of her own.

For a while, Laura allowed the girl to stop the busy work with her tongue. She closed her legs and leaned back, letting the girl and the man concentrate on each other. She wanted to just sit there for a while, on her throne, watching the couple in front of her and the people around her, combining them anew, choosing people to do the things she wanted to see. Here, she let a woman lick her husband's cum out of another woman's pussy; there she created a sandwich with two recent graduates of Leskow's school and one of their former teachers. For a while she just gave herself into the enjoyment of watching the heaving mass of sweaty bodies, and breathing in the heavy smell of cum and female secretions in the air.

Then the queen opened her legs again and the girl, still on all fours, crawled back to her place. The man followed her, his heavy thrusts unceasing. The queen sighed in content, as once more she felt the touch of the young woman's warm and eager tongue. From her slightly elevated position on the throne, she also got a good view of the young man's cock, each time it appeared for a second, glistening with juices, just to disappear again between the girl's legs.

Along with their queen's lust, the arousal of everyone in the area seemed to rise. Everyone on the meadow was busy fucking, licking, sucking; faster and faster, wilder, less controlled, driven by an urge most people of Leskow might never have given into so completely had they been conscious. Body slammed against sweaty body, groans and moans filled the air with a strange music, rising up to a scream of thousands of voices. Laura felt her whole body and mind filled to the brim with a lust that was not only her own, but that of the whole town.

When she finally came, the whole town came with her. The force of thousands of simultaneous orgasms seemed to crash over her like a wave, carrying her along with a force she feared might tear her apart -- though at the same time, she did not care if it broke her.


While Laura was still struggling to catch breath again, she felt the cool touch of a small breeze on her skin, helping her to cool down. The people of Leskow around her did not need to calm down, they had started turning towards each other again, fornicating with whoever was located most conveniently. However, the heaving mass of flesh in front of her, the groans and the sound of flesh slapping against sweaty flesh, had suddenly lost its appeal for Laura. She felt distant, like none of this concerned her anymore.

The girl kept away from the queen now, knowing without words that she was not needed nor wanted anymore. The queen did not want to feel her eager tongue anymore, nor did she want any of Leskow's people touch her now. Instead, she let three more men climb up onto the stage, to take the girl at the same time, pounding relentlessly into her pussy, her ass, her mouth -- the queen knew exactly what they were doing, but she did not want to watch.

Laura wasn't sure exactly why she suddenly only felt disgust, instead of arousal. Maybe her own confusion had turned her off; the fact, that she had no idea about how to continue now. The problem wasn't the orgy that was still unfolding in front of her eyes -- it was obvious how that would go on. But after that? What would happen the next morning and the mornings after that? The queen had anticipated this festival for months; she had lived for this day. It was the symbol of her work for Leskow, it was the crown jewel in all the beautiful things she had wanted to give the town. And now the big day had arrived, she had proved that she could get the town's people to really do anything she wanted. She had shown that she had ultimate power. Shown whom? The people who continued to fornicate on the festival meadow, without thought or reason? They did not care. She had shown herself, proved to herself that she could do whatever she wanted to. And for some reason the result bored her.

As the queen sat on her throne, pondering those somber thoughts, dark clouds hurriedly made their way over the sky. What had been a beautiful day promised to turn into a stormy afternoon: Soon the clouds were turning the bright day intended for Leskow's festival into a gray one, hiding the blue of the sky and the warmth of the sun.

Clouds? The queen looked up in surprise. Her forehead wrinkled, as she stared at the dark gray front of storm building up there in the sky. She had not called any clouds. She did not want clouds. Nor did she want this strange wind that dried up the sweat on her skin and made her shiver from the cold. The people on the meadow did not mind, of course, nor did they seem to notice the first heavy drops of rain falling down on them. They went on, as the rain increased, falling onto their naked skin, onto the meadow, and onto their queen's nose, shoulders and hair.

Something was very wrong. The queen stared up at the clouds. They had to go. With all her might, she demanded them to withdraw, to let the warm sun rays through to Leskow again. The locket on her chest started pulsating, it grew warmer. She could feel the power emanating from it, and for a moment, the thick layer of clouds seemed to grow thinner. The dark gray of the sky changed into a slightly lighter shade. However, the clouds fought back, they resisted. The moment the queen relaxed the slightest bit, they returned to their place on the sky, determined to let rain fall onto the small town for as long as they wanted.

No. The queen shook her head. Those clouds could not have a will. They were inanimate objects and she had learned to control them so long ago, that it had become second nature. If they suddenly refused her orders, there had to be something else behind it. Another power, just as strong as her own, and giving its own orders to the clouds.

Yes, there was someone else. Someone else who was using a power like the one of the locket. The queen could feel it -- the moment she realized it, she felt a power that was present everywhere, fighting against her, fighting against the queen of Leskow. It had been there for a while, she just had not realized. And there was something else she felt, other than this ominous power. Suddenly the queen realized that all those weeks and months, since the beginning of the New Year, she was feeling a true human presence in her town: The presence of someone who had not lost his will and mind.

There was someone there, who was out of her control. Now that she realized this, the queen could feel him more clearly than ever before: The stranger, fighting against her. And he was just as powerful as she, the queen, was herself.

The clouds above Leskow grew thicker again, their gray turning into a dark metallic blue, and a low grumble announced the approaching thunder storm: This wasn't an ordinary storm, the queen knew. This was more than the collision of weather fronts. What was colliding there, above Leskow, was her and the power of the locket, and that other power, the stranger, the one who wanted to take everything away from her and from the town for which she had worked so hard.

Little pearls of sweat formed on the queen's forehead once again, this time due to exhaustion. She still stood on the stage without moving, yet she did not notice anymore that the people of Leskow continued fucking and licking and sucking each other as if nothing was going on.

Anyone looking at her might have thought she was lost in thought, staring into emptiness. In fact, at this very moment, the queen conjured more strength than she had ever in her life. Her brow furrowed, her face a masque, she tried to push the clouds away, to defeat whoever was defying her. The sudden bright light of a flash of lightning and the deafening grumble of thunder following the very next moment could not break her concentration. Yet, it was to no avail: The rain increased, and soon the festive meadow and all the naked people on it were covered in mud.

And then, suddenly, he stood there, on the jetty at the nearby public bath, exactly where he had stood the first time the queen saw him. From her elevated position on the stage she could just make him out. He stood motionless, just as he had that day when the queen had discovered him from the castle's window. This time, however, he wasn't looking out over the water but was turned inland. Despite the distance, he seemed to be looking right at her and with a chill the queen realized that his eyes were set right on her.

Laura's heart started beating wildly. For a moment she considered just running away or at least ordering some of her guard to come with her and protect her. However, she knew it would be of no use. If he could send this rain, rain she had not asked for nor wanted, then he would be able to use her own people against her. She had to face him alone. If she wanted to stay in power, once and for all, she would have to fight for it by herself. No one could help her with this. After a year as Leskow's queen, she had to prove herself worthy of her reign. Laura felt a strange excitement tingling through her body, an excitement that had nothing to do with the continuing orgy in front of her.

The queen took one more deep breath and then quickly walked towards the shore, to the jetty. Her arms pressed to the sides of her body, her chin pushed forward defiantly, the queen went to face her enemy.

The dark figure belonged to a young man. He was not much older than Laura herself. As he looked toward her, the wind pushed his black hair in and out of his face. Approaching him, the queen could make out his features more clearly. He was beautiful, more so than any of the young men and women in town, and for a second she felt a pang of regret that he was not one of those she could just call into her royal chambers at night. He was tall and lean yet muscular. His dark eyes were still half hidden under his hair, yet they seemed to sparkle. He looked tired, and angry, but there was also a strange joy in his expression as he stared at the queen, motionless. Only when Laura stood a meter from him, now as still as him and holding her breath, he opened his mouth. He spoke into the silence that was only disturbed by the distant groans of Leskow's inhabitants and the gentle splashes of waves against the jetty, his voice quiet yet clear.


He did not speak her name as a question or as a call for attention. His voice sounded gentle, like he was pronouncing a word that hadn't crossed his lips in a long time, and he was now trying it out, to see if he could still pronounce it, to hear whether its sound had changed or whether it was as comforting and familiar as it used to be.

For a few long moments, Laura did not speak, waiting whether he had anything else to say, but he remained quiet. Finally, more to break the silence than to truly say anything, she did the same thing he had done. She greeted him without any niceties, just by speaking his name:


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