A Beachport Reader's Guide


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Weakness: Besides some slightly heightened toughness and perception due to exposure to the Preserve, is otherwise a normal girl.

Aegis Host Status: Shield Maiden (mentor: Tiger Queen)

Aegis Host Rank: Defense Squad, Rank 4

Aegis Host Clique: the Exotic Nerds (Tiger Queen)

Relations: Felicia Walsh is her older sister.

Backstory: Dawn was a very young child at the time of the accident that created the wild wastes of the Fertalian Preserve. Going out to investigate the crash, Dawn's parents' plane crashed, seemingly claiming both them and her older sister, and leaving her an apparent orphan. This triggered a war from various greedy family members for custody over her and, with it, effective control over their huge ranch. This dispute ground out for years... until suddenly a mysterious half-naked figure claiming to be her older sister Felicia strode out of the Preserve. Ever since that day, Dawn has utterly idolized her big sister, and sought to follow in her impressive bare footsteps.

Special: is a skilled and experienced wilderness guide

Appearances to Date: Tiger Queen vs the Bush Poacher (minor role)

SPOILER WARNING! This entry contains some fairly major spoilers that as of the publication of this guide have not yet been revealed. I think that the next story she appears in in any significant capacity will probably spill the beans on her within the first few pages, but still, you have been warned.


Concept: body of an angel, soul of a demon

Epithets: Our Spokes-Heroine (from the heroines, referring to her frequent use in PR and government liaison work); the Saintly Seraph, (to the general public and her fellow heroines), the Double-D Double Agent (to the villains), the Heavenly Harlot (ditto).

Public Name: Lilly Morgan

Public Identity: college student

Character Notes: devious, dark-hearted, habitual liar, 'villain with good publicity', manipulative, excels at dropping just enough information to get someone in trouble, can't resist a good scheme, natural public speaker, photogenic, can turn on the charm like a switch, P.K. aka Pastor's Kid (if you grew up in a highly-churched environment you know this might as well be code for 'evil fucking incarnate'), can deploy religious rhetoric at the drop of the hat but doesn't believe a word of it

Sexual Notes: turned on by seeing her fellow heroines lose. Loves villain cock, but publically feigns near-virginal innocence. Is very good at shamelessly flaunting her body while pretending to have no idea that she is doing so.

Age: 22

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Race: White (All-American Girl)

Body: Shapely, Voluptuous, Big Tits, Nice Figure, Perfectly Disarming Smile

Color Theme: White and Gold

Heraldry: Winged Halo on White

Costume: Short white baby-doll dress (which inevitably provides plenty of up-skirt opportunities whenever she flies or lands, very much intentionally, but she pretends otherwise). White panties that seem to be made of plastic or rubber or something else a little thicker than fabric (she explains fabric ones come loose too easily in flight, for her). White go-go boots, white gloves, white mask. Sometimes carries a concealed white dildo hidden within her wing feathers, which mates to a hidden docking collar on her panties.

Powers: Can manifest or de-manifest long white swan-like wings at will. With her wings manifest, she looks exactly like the classic pop-culture angel. Her wings allow her to fly. She is otherwise a normal human.

Weakness: Mind Readers.

Aegis Host Status: Shield Bearer

Aegis Host Rank: Flying Squad, Rank 4

Aegis Host Clique: the Cool Insiders (Alpha Angel). That said she is a chameleon and tries her best to keep an 'in' with all the cliques; using her saintly image to move amongst the Proper Ladies, letting her wild side slip out when amongst the Total Divas, and feigning interest in whatever boring shit they're into when amongst the Exotic Nerds.

Relations: Many, mostly evil (see below). Claims to hate Miss Metropolis with a passion because she 'despises how she misuses her heavenly gift' to the point she 'can't stand to be in the same room as her.' The others don't find this particularly suspicious, because no one likes Miss Metropolis. Valkyrie meanwhile has noticed that this promising young heroine is always up to accept more responsibilities, and that she is also always alert and attentive to all the organizational details of the Host. Eager to develop new talents and thankful for the help she has steadily handed her more and more trust. She has particularly noted the young heroine's quick wits and skilled tongue when dealing with government enquiries and the like, and is very relieved that the blonde heroine only uses her persuasive talents for good.

Backstory: Lilly Morgan has always been a bad girl, and she's always gotten away with it. From a very early age, she enjoyed playing pranks on her friends, particularly her fellow girls. One of her favorites was to sabotage a classmates' shorts or skirt, so that when she stood up she suddenly found herself exposed before all the boys. She loved the look of humiliation that always appeared upon their faces, and she loved getting away with it.

And she always got away with it. With a disarming smile, and an innocent demeanor, authority figures never suspected her. Her fellow girls sometimes did - but since she was the daughter of the pastor who ran the religious school most of her pranks occurred in, nobody ever called her on it.

As she grew up and hit puberty her pranks got both more devious, and more sexual. She slipped cameras into the girls' bathrooms, locker room, and even her unsuspecting friends' bedrooms; and charged her male classmates for access. On more than one occasion, she swiped a classmates' bikini while she was showering in the pool locker room, and then informed some male classmates that it was safe to go on in. While she was never caught, as she got more brazen she did occasionally fall under suspicion; but her family's influence and their outraged refusal to suspect her managed to ensure she never faced consequences. She bounced from private school to private school, most of them religious, leaving humiliation and chaos behind her - with all official records that might point to her always being quietly expunged.

A few close calls did instruct her, however, and she learned to be more careful and even more devious. And then, the best thing of all happened. One day, during choir practice - before which she had conveniently positioned a hidden camera to look up the lead soprano's skirt, on payment from several boys who had a strong interest in getting a clear view - while tingling with the exceptional combination of the thrill of yet another caper and the breathlessness of belting out a hymn, she felt another strange tingle on her shoulders. Suddenly, to everyone's awe, a giant pair of white wings unfurled from her shoulders. Even the boys who had paid her briefly looked up and gaped in awe... although only briefly since, for an additional payment, Lilly had also swiped the aforementioned soprano's underwear, to enhance the quality of their view.

Everyone thought it was a miracle. And Lilly thought so too. But not for the reasons all the rest did. Though she had always delighted in tormenting her snooty classmates - putting them in their proper place, she thought - there was one group of ladies who she had always looked upon with particularly envious awe: the stunning scantily-clad superheroines who strutted like goddesses through her city, dominating it effortlessly.

Now there, she thought, were a group of ladies who really needed to be shown their place. To end up humiliated, naked, and destroyed - like she knew they deserved. And, licking her lips, eagerly, she realized, like a gift from the Heavens, she had just been handed the opportunity to fulfill that destiny... by pretending to become 'one of them' herself.

Special: Winging for the Villains: so if it's not clear Wing Girl isn't called that because of the feathery things on her back. She is a double agent, who is always eager to help the villains score some of her comrades' pussies, i.e. 'wing for them' in common pickup parlance. She is primarily driven by lust: nothing turns her on like seeing her fellow superheroines get tricked, humiliated, and fucked. Also she quite enjoys getting in some nice rough celebratory sex with the villains afterwards. However she also has more material motives. She tends to get a nice cut of the proceeds of any successful scheme. Also the villains tend to make use of her in mutually beneficial ways, such as wrecking a minor rival gang and then letting her 'happen upon' them and take them into custody. In this way she has built up an impressive reputation as a crime fighter, despite her apparently meager power-set.

Special : Newbie: she is almost always portrayed as relatively new to the team. Exactly how new varies from story to story. In some cases some of her details, such as Valkyrie handing her more trust, may not appear because they haven't happened yet.

Special: Super-Handler: as part of her duties, Wing Girl regularly takes on the role of engaging in outreach and rehabilitation of imprisoned or paroled supervillains. This is a role most of the other heroines don't want to do, so they're glad she's handling it. She is also the default 'spokes-heroine' when they need someone to go on a news show, or speak to a government hearing, or etc, since her literally-angelic appearance and disarming style give her some inherent advantages.

Appearances to Date: no major appearances; has minor supporting roles in Valiant Valkyrie meets Mister Right and Alpha Angel vs Valiant Valkyrie (Alpha Angel Wins ending).


The following is not a comprehensive list; more will be introduced over time as we fill out more of the world. These are the ones that have some sort of story-relevance so far.


Order of the Shields

History: Beachport's birth as a center of specifically superheroine crimefighting is inextricably linked with Valiant Valkyrie herself. As one of the first major woman superheroes to emerge, in the form of an immortal blonde goddess whose figure makes most lingerie models sick with envy, she attracted an immense amount of interest - to say the least - from her new male colleagues. However, Valkyrie had just fled from Valhalla specifically to escape being, in her own words, 'barmaid to a bunch of rowdy dudes' - and she very quickly began to suspect (not without good reason) that if she did join an existing male-dominated team this is what she would quickly become. So, rather than accept any of their offers, Valkyrie set herself up in Beachport (then without any superheroes at all, following the death of Rebel Belle's father and his associates). Soon after, following the emergence of a few other heroines, she founded the Aegis Host as an explicitly female-only team (by which she means vagina-haver, for those more up on modern gender theory than she is). This has been objected to several times, and on a few occasions Valkyrie and her inner circle have been convinced to relax those rules just a bit... but each time the results have very quickly caused her to slam shut any newly created or discovered 'loophole' very quickly.

Symbol: Silver heraldic shield, tapering down to a rounded point, with purple scales of justice inset on it. (This was once the Seal of the City of Beachport; but that was too busy - they replaced it with Blind Justice's symbol in her honor after her disappearance.)

Origins of Names: Valkyrie wanted to call her team the Shield Maidens. It was objected that this implied they had to be virgins. Using the Aegis was suggested, but everyone except Blind Justice thought it looked 'fugly'. So they decided to use the name but not the image, going with a heraldic shield instead. Then, not quite ready to give up her idea, Valkyrie suggested calling the individual members 'shields', and it stuck. The specific hierarchy of Shield Matron, Shield Bearer and Shield Maiden came a little later, as they started bringing sidekicks into the mix.

Founding Shields: Valiant Valkyrie, Scarlet Sleuth, Rebel Belle, Bunny Brawler, Blind Justice.

Second Wave Shields: Tiger Queen, Daring Diva, Miss Metropolis, Katy Colt.

Third Wave Shields: Sun Idol, Black Cicada, Spartina, Alpha Angel, Wing Girl.

Shield Heralds: Hexetress, Star Sheriff, Sirene.

Shield Maidens: Vestal, Dixie Girl, Wilderlass, Crane Dancer, Miss Teen Metropolis

Former Members: Brawler Bunny, Blind Justice.

Ceremony of the Shield: at the induction of a new heroine into the Host, she must bathe overnight and spend it in meditation while naked. Then, she enters the room with her future sisters, still naked. Putting her hand on the shield, she recites her oath. Her costume is presented. The others put their hands on her shield and also recite the oath, while she dresses. Then, she presents herself in costume before the shield, and is acclimated as a full member. Her shield is added to the Aegis Hall and kept there so long as she remains in good standing.

Oath of the Shield: "No longer am I mere woman, mortal or weak. I stand not alone, but am surrounded at all times by my Sisters. I am a Shield and we are the Wall, steadfast and eternal, standing together against all that is evil. I shall be a Shield to my city, protecting it from all that threaten it. I shall be a Shield to my world, preserving it from danger. And I shall be a Shield to my sisters, standing fast. I shall let none come between us. No gap shall appear in our wall. While the Shield Wall stands unbroken, we shall prevail - until the stars themselves shall fall!"

Membership & Organization: there are four tiers: Shield Herald, Shield Maiden, Shield Bearer, and Shield Matron. Shield Heralds are recent arrivals who have not yet fully joined (or, in the case of Star Sheriff, a permanent honorary membership), but are too old to be Shield Maidens. Shield Maidens are under the age of 21, and have an official mentor - their Matron. Maidens and Heralds have no voting rights. Shield Bearers have one vote on the Aegis Council, Shield Matrons have a Maiden under their tutelage and thus have two votes as they also represent their sidekicks' interests. Of the founding members, one left voluntarily (Bunny Brawler), and one has vanished without a trace (Blind Justice).

The Aegis Shield: this is the overall commander during combat or other crises (see below) and also chairs council meetings. While it does not necessarily have to be, since the inception of the Host this has always been Valkyrie, save for brief periods when she is indisposed. In that event the Council may select a temporary replacement; or if time does not permit that it passes in order of seniority. This generally puts Scarlet Sleuth next in line.

The Council: the Council (Valkyrie wanted to call it 'her thing' but this was swiftly overruled) is comprised of all voting Shields, and votes on rule changes or major policy decisions.

Other Offices: they exist; I don't feel the need to go into them now. They are only likely to become relevant in the event of some sort of internal-politics story; i.e. most likely Alpha Angel making a bid to take over again or Wing Girl getting up to mischief. They are also subject to change by the Council, and can thus evolve over time - i.e. don't expect them to necessarily be consistent from story to story!

Combat Organization: in a crisis, the host is divided into four Squads, each intended to fulfill a different role. (In practice, they are often out of position, so in reality things tend to be ad-hoc; plus commanding superheroines is like herding cats - but in theory this is how it's supposed to work.

The Assault Squad (front-line ground based combatants - standing orders are to find and deal with the source of the threat). Current Roster: Valiant Valkyrie, Daring Diva, Black Cicada, Vestal, Crane Dancer

The Defense Squad (second-rank ground-based combatants - standing orders are to block the threat and protect the city). Current Roster: Alpha Angel, Tiger Queen, Spartina, Wilderlass

The Flying Squad (air-based combatants, standing orders are to make maximum use of their mobility as the situation demands). Current Roster: Rebel Belle, Miss Metropolis, Sun Idol, Wing Girl, Dixie Girl

The Reserve Squad (supporting roles and second-tier combatants assigned to guard them). Current Roster: Scarlet Sleuth, Katy Colt, Hexetress, Sirene, Miss Teen Metropolis

Cliques: in addition to the official combat divisions below the Aegis Host is, of course, divided unofficially into a number of cliques. These have been called out in the individual heroines' sections above, but just to cover them collectively, the four cliques are as follows.

Total Divas: like Cindy Lauper said, these girls just want to have fun. When not on duty they love to get dolled up and hit the town. They like to dance, flirt, and get flirted with. They do not tend to be quiet. They like to try new things: new foods, new boys, new and trendy night spots. Of all the cliques they tend to be most in tune to the common masses; they are the most likely to hear of a new rumor, the rise of a new gang, the appearance of a new drug, etc. Members are Daring Diva (their Queen Bee), Crane Dancer, Black Cicada, Vestal, and Miss Teen Metropolis.

Proper Ladies: these women are above all devoted to ensuring that Standards are Maintained. What standards? All standards. Standards of honor, of respect, and of public propriety. They do not want any riff-raff. They like dining in fancy restaurants, attending formal balls, and bathing at the sort of country clubs that don't let any undesirable elements in. This attitude does come with its advantages, though. Since they are obsessed with consorting with the best and most deserving people, of all the cliques they are most tied into the rest of the superhero community. They are generally the first to hear new gossip about whatever scandalous behavior the other capes are up to. Members are Rebel Belle (their Grande Dame), Dixie Girl, Sun Idol, and Spartina.

Exotic Nerds: this bunch of introverts are into geeking out over weird stuff. Of all the cliques, upon capturing a piece of supervillain gear the Exotic Nerds are the most likely to try and actually figure out how it works rather than just shoving it in their trophy vault - for better or for worse. Their principal hangout spots are Tiger Queen's exotic animal ranch; the Beachport University library, and Professor Whansinn's laboratory. Members are Tiger Queen (the clique leader), Wilderlass, Hexetress, and La Sirene. Crane Dancer also fits in with them, though since she is Daring Diva's sidekick she is more attached to the Total Divas overall.