A Black Janitor, White Women!


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After the meal they consumed the rest of the wine, it put Claire into a mellow mood, but also filled her with sexual desire for this man who was black yes, but so utterly charming, she had no worries about stepping over the edge her husband had, not now. The fact that he was black was of no consequence, but she did wonder if it was rue what they say about them! She laughed inwardly, and was now looking forward to finding out.

They ended up on the sofa, and were soon enamoured with each other, becoming more passionate, and more aroused, certainly in Claire's case, he was manipulating her on to a higher and higher plane. Claire love the feel of his skin, the way he smelled, everything about him was so unusual. This man wasn't the run of the mill type of guy, he knew things, and Claire was enthralled.

She made the first real move; her hand slid down and encased his growing cock, both mumbled in appreciation. Denny took over from there; he stood here up, nodded at the door, and said.

"Shall we Claire?"

"Very definitely Denny," she whispered to him.

They walked arm in arm up to her bedroom, there they slowly undressed each other. Claire fell swiftly to her knees when she had him naked.

"I've always wondered about black men Denny, you know?" she said huskily, "to see if it's true what they say. I can see from you that it seems to be so." Claire smiled and kissed the rounded head, licked it, the taste was unusual to her, then she sucked it in. Her hands drifted up his body as she did so. She explored him while becoming fully conversant with his proud erect big black cock.

He looked down at her s her eyes caught his, Claire was feeling dizzy, the power coming off him assailed her mind. From her position on her knees looking up at him, Denny appeared as a giant black oak tree, she shuddered before him. Claire attacked his cock now with all she had, she didn't care if he came in her mouth, or threw her on the bed, she just needed desperately to have the black power drill in her somewhere, somehow.

She replaced her lips with a hand, and sucked in a black hairy nut, then the other, his smell was all pervading now, his aroma enticed her sexual desires right out of her. Her nostrils were filled with him, the black heat was smothering her. Her free hand went to her withering pussy to find her clit, as soon as her finger made contact she came.

It forced her back on her haunches; her hand went out to support herself to keep from falling over. Denny knew what had happened, he reached down, helped her to her feet, and sent her backwards on to the bed, he went after her and invaded her with his black hammer. Claire was mortally wounded with his first laser like strike, it lanced her, spread her wide, her legs rose in the air as if an explosion had occurred.

Denny was almost brutal in his savagery, he showed no mercy; Claire didn't what had hit her, all she knew was that whatever he did, it was more than okay with her, it had to be. This was Denny's forte, he knew how to fuck, he was he ultimate fuck machine and he was in top form and top gear this night.

Claire had no idea that it was she herself that had provoked this in him, her beautiful blondness, her desire for him, the way she had given of herself. This had triggered his libido in a way he didn't often see. But it was out in force tonight, Denny went into over drive, he systematically pounded her so smoothly, so succinctly, that Claire began to roll one orgasm into the next.

She was wrapped around him, held in place by her needs, by Denny, his prick was centred on her universe. Then the memory of her husband floored into her mind She irrationally hoped and prayed that he would walk into the bedroom and see her being scythed by the black lover she was held captive by. She giggled uncontrollably, Denny thought it was the thrill of him that caused it, it actually increased his fuck rate, powering himself on to the flat out explosive detonation of his own ejaculation.

His cum filled Claire to the top, it washed out like she was having a pee in a bucket. She collapsed inwardly and outwardly, she came in torrents, crying out, "Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Argggggh, Hmmmmm, Ohhhh yes, yes, yes Ohhhh God, Ugggh!" Then she fell quiet, Denny continued to drain his balls into her, the circle of wetness from them both spreading in a circle around them.

He rolled away, he was completely satisfied, it was one of the best fucks he had ever had, his balls felt really 3empty. Claire was in the same vein, she lay where he left her. Denny turned to look at her, her beautiful face was flushed, but serene in complexion. She couldn't ever remember a loving of this magnitude, this complex, this good.

It was 7.20 when he opened his eyes, Claire was still asleep, he looked at her, even after the mind boggling session they had shared she still looked good enough to eat. She really was astonishingly beautiful, easily eclipsing that of her gorgeous daughter by a long way, he thought.

Denny got up slowly so as not to waken her, he headed for the shower, the hot water felt great, then he caught a draft, the door opened and in she stepped, all elegance and femininity. She put her arms around his neck, he embraced her too, then they had long passionate kisses, her hand dropped, she felt for him.

"I have unfinished business Denny," she told him smilingly.

"Well," he replied, "there's no time like the present Claire to get things out of the way is there?" His cock grew in her hand, in anticipation of her intentions. He fingered her, as she fingered him, he was washing out her pussy for her, she removed the films of cum from him. Then the blond 40 year old goddess dropped to her knees, again she was looking up as water cascaded off him.

He glistened, his dark skin brightened here and there as the water dropped away. Again her blue eyes caught and held his, as his prick end disappeared from his view. Claire gulped at it, she blew, sucked, and played havoc with her searching tongue. Her fingers playing lovingly with his balls as she coaxed him more and more to her. This time there would be no second attempt, Claire was after it and him.

Denny held on to the shower rail as his balls boiled up, he felt the fabulous tingling begin somewhere near his toes before spreading up to the end of his dick. He knew in three seconds flat he was going to cum, he grabbed a handful of her hair, this was the signal for Claire to ready herself for the onslaught, the salvo's she was expecting, wanting, and needing.

She straightened herself up, kneeling high, her mouth at 90degrees to him, then he pumped the first lot right into the back of her throat. Claire clamped her mouth tight around him, there would be no release until he finished, PUMP, SPLAT, PUMP, SPLAT, PUMP,SPLAT! He jacked it out and into the hot smooth praying mantis mouth that was hers, Claire swallowed every thing he gave her.

Denny's knees buckled, he had to hold on, he couldn't remember a time before this when it had happened quite like this. Claire held him in long after he had finished unloading, she literally sucked him dry. She beamed up at him knowing she had done more than a good job, she could see the relief, the satisfaction, the happiness in his face. The kind a man has when he's just shot his best load. And she, Claire had been the recipient of it, the ultimate cat that got the cream.

He helped her to her feet and together they spent the next 30 minutes attending to each other, lots of loving, touching, caressing, stroking and kissing, lots and lots of it. They dried off and went back to bed where they both dozed, he awakened to the aroma of bacon and eggs, along with sausages, hot buttered toast and coffee. He couldn't get down stairs fast enough, they kissed lovingly, and then they ate as if neither had been fed for a week.

They both went back to bed, Denny saying cheekily, "what about my jobs maam, I won't get paid off the boss if I renege on them."

"You have earned bonuses Denny," she tittered, "the boss will pay you treble time for what she has in mind for you."

"Oh that's good news, maybe I'll get some overtime this weekend, if I'm lucky!" he laughed.

"Oh I'm sure you will, I know it!" She joined in.

That afternoon, as Denny got work on her pussy, she was screaming quietly for him wipe the insides of her pussy even harder with his tongue. Denny duly obliged, scouring all he got around his tongue, whilst sucking mightily on her clit. Claire went into orbit, her climaxes shattered her.

As they rested, Claire said to him.

"Denny, is it true what they say about black men?"

"Is what true, size?"

"No, I know how big you are, and how good you even are, I was thinking about, in there?" She indicated over her shoulder.

"Ah," he said," well, it is true if you are talking about me, I can't speak for other men, black or not."

"Do you like it in there Claire?" he asked her.

"I don't know," she replied.

Denny was amazed. "Are you telling me you have never had it up there, you must have tried it Claire?"

"I did before I met my husband, but it was all over so quick I can't remember anything about it, it was all too quick."

"Then you are talking to the right man, but it will hurt a bit, you know that, yes?"

"Yes," she whispered, looking at him expectantly.

"Then today you are in for a ride Claire, a long one too, I don't go like a racehorse, more like a plodding shire horse!"

She laughed at him, got a hold of his cock, and said, "Lets see shall we?"

"Yes lets," was his response.

She got him erect in no time, all he was thinking of was raiding her backside, she was practically a virgin, just like her daughter had been before he rammed her open.

She reached for some body lotion and handed it to him, then she rolled over and got to her knees, saying.

"No matter what I say or do Denny, don't stop, I want to go all the way to the end, take me or drag me, but get me there okay?"

"Claire, you can take that to the bank!" he told her.

He got behind her and witnessed a glorious sight, it was her rear end up in the air, and the entry fee was nil, free, nada!

He spread her with his thumbs and pushed in, Claire squealed, knotted the bedding in her hands, but stayed upright. Head bowed, she moaned and groaned, but refused to budge. Normally Denny liked to get on with it, take what he wanted, but making sure the taker got to enjoy it too. Claire accepted it for what it was, he wanted it, she wanted to try it, she would go with it, rain or shine.

The pain was terrible, but she knew it would abate, then she would enjoy it if she could, she hadn't bargained for the fact that when she had expanded to take him, he would get her clit and nipples at the same time. It was like being blitzed from three different directions, she came so unexpectedly it nearly blew her mind, the pain forgotten, she urged him on.

"Yes Denny, do it, go on do it!" she demanded, get it all in you black devil, give it to me, make me have it!" she moaned. Denny unlashed his prick then, he let it go, and rampant, severe, harsh plain fucking took control. Claire felt as if he was ripping a new hole in her but the climaxes kept going. After several minutes Denny's grip tightened, " he going to cum," she thought, she was right, he did!

It was hard and thunderous that he flattened her, his weight bore her to the bed, he crushed as he filled her wide open ass with thick lumpy sperm. He slowly lifted himself from her, and settled on his elbows to let her breathe. Claire gasped for breath, he did the same, she nipped his dick with her ass muscles, he grunted.

"Just testing to see if I still have an ass Denny," she muttered and sniggered at the same time.

The whole of the rest of the day was spent just being near each other, Claire felt an affinity with him, he felt that he had had the best fuck of his life, apart from maybe Emily, he thought. Now she really was something special, even compared to Claire, was his humble opinion.

Things came to a head early in the late evening, CC returned home. She came in just as her mother had gone upstairs for something, and he, inexplicably hadn't followed her for more fun. But he had retrieved his work clothes and put them on to create the right impression with the neighbours when he left, just in case.

She found him sat in her fathers armchair, and wasn't very pleased. He never rose to greet her, but said.

"Hi CC, I'm just having a break from the work your mother has for me, then I'm going home, okay?"

"Good," she mumbled, he could see she wasn't happy. He took control!

"CC, let me tell you, what ever you do, do not mention me to your mother, do not mention me in the same breath to Danny, you and I never happened, and if you do. You will have me to answer to, in a way that you would never get over!" His threat wasn't lost on CC, and she knew he was right too.

"I won't say a word Denny, not a letter, I promise," his threat was heeded. And apart from that, it was sensible to keep quiet. She had no idea that he and her mother had spent the whole weekend fucking each other brainless, and she had no need to know. Denny got up, collected his coat, threw it over his shoulder and shouted upstairs.

"Mrs Lomas, CC is here, and its time I went, can you pay me later please?" And he left before she had time to answer. He just hoped that Claire would be fine.

Later that night he received a phone call from Claire, telling him that whilst she had convinced CC that nothing had happened. She wasn't happy, and on top of that she had talked to her dad, and made him promise to come the next day to sort things out. CC wanted him back home. So, Claire explained; she was going to see what went off. She loved her daughter, she did miss her husband, but she would never ever forget what they had shared.

"I would not have missed it for the world Denny, I know the term, 'being blacked,' and I am so glad that I have been, its an experience every woman should have if possible," she told him Claire promised him she would let him know of the outcome.

Denny breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't often he backed himself into a corner, but he had this time. It could have caused all sorts of problems all round, Emily, at school, and his own son. He would keep a low profile and let things slide for a while.

In the week he saw CC but she ignored him, so he knew she didn't know anything. But now, in her girlish way she didn't like him, he laughed at that.

Danny called him, and said, "Dad I will thank you until the day I die for introducing me to CC, she's fantastic, and I've met her mother too," and he said, with a wink in his voice, "you ought to get in there Dad, she's gorgeous!" Denny laughed for hours at that.

Two weeks later an envelope landed on his mat, along with an invoice. It was from Stevie his erstwhile investigator. It was all about Emily's husband, in short the man was a jerk, a serial womaniser, and had been photographed in all sorts of places, in clinches with women, at bistro's, in bars, going into hotels, apartment blocks and the odd house. And with a few different women, but some were repeats. Stevie told him 90% of them were hookers.

Over the last few weeks he had realised he had to slow down, or his own reputation would precede him. And anyway, he was missing Emily, but she seemed to be, not ignoring him, but shying away for some reason. He repackaged the envelope, and after much arguing with himself, he sent it to her. She deserved to know about her husband, and Denny thought that she must suspect something was mightily wrong anyway.

The following week on the Friday afternoon, Emily knocked on the door of his tiny cubicle, when he opened it she was looking right at him.

"We need to talk Denny; can you be at mine tonight for, say 8pm?"

"Erm yes Mrs Joyner, of course, is there some sort of problem?" he asked; now it was he who was unsure.

"Not at all," she looked all around her no one was nearby, quickly standing on her tip toes she kissed his cheek, then she was on her way from him.

He watched her sway as she walked, "well I'll be!" he mumbled. "Things are looking good," he thought, "just like her!"

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Was a good story but you destroyed a

Young girl life

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I liked your story. I've had a few fuck sessions with black men and one FWB which lasted two years. The first, after seven years of marriage, was with a coworker, a little older, also married, it started at an office party and ended two months later. The second guy was five years later, he was in his early twenties and cut down two trees for us; he possessed the proverbial BBC, good to fuck but not suck, he was always very racially dominant. The FWB didn't have the biggest cock, but he made sure I always came, that sealed the deal for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I love black women more than white women have fucked a few in my time black would always be my first choice yes i am white half casts are the best from down under Australia

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fantastic stories you need to write more. Yes it is very true what they say about black cock. I’m white and been married for 14 years happily I thought. I’m 56 years old 5’4” and not pretty maybe not even cute. But we had some renovation done on our home. And I made an appoint to be very friendly with a couple of the contractors. Both tall very black and muscular. I flirted with them and always made sure they had plenty of water and things to drink or whatever they needed. My husband had to go out of town for two days. So I ask the two I’ll call them Jake and Paul for privacy sack. That was the night I got my first taste and experience with black cock. I have never been so fulfilled and Used in my life. It was phenomenal the way they fucked me and used me making me do things I would’ve never thought of doing with my husband. Now the three of us fuck at least 2 to 3 times a month. And every time my husband goes out of town I pack my bags and go spend the weekend with Jake and Paul. Where I am all there is to do what they want how they want when they want. I love you so much sweet hubby. But black dick is the best in the world and I can’t get enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I enjoyed your story and you tied it all together, but it is not finished.

The slower seduction without all of the usual bullshit was stimulating. Keep going.

taco1085taco1085over 8 years ago

when will you expand on this story, great read..... I liked it and very effective use of the characters... thanks

dirtyomandirtyomanalmost 10 years ago
2nd time

I read this story before. I thought I commented, but I guess not.

So now let me tell you what I think; I very selbom give a 5, but I think you are going to get a bunch of them from me as I read all your storys. Thanks for a great read.

lin4_69lin4_69over 10 years ago

every nigga does want white women and lots of white women want nigga cock

i do and lot of my friends luv it also, and by the way i spell " yumme"

like that also but i did not see where any of them even used the word

keep up the hot stories as you seem to be able to do , must real

or know about real i want more of this one

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
the four stooges ride again LAWL

or is that the 4 alts of james_38671 - Cheryl_4fun - bettyluvsit - and kathy2b46 - all write with exactly the same style and misspell 'yummy' the same way as 'yumme' lmaooooooo and they come from exactly the same ip address - the jig is up guy you've been busted!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOO

tha LAWLcat

james_38671james_38671over 10 years ago

oh yes so hot and real life , the kind of black stud my wife and i love to meet and satisfy as often as we can

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